Too Pure

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Too Pure” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 46

Here’s another completed lyrical draft from last year that isn’t one of my favorites but was still a fun challenge. I went more “classic cutesy ukulele” with it but still tried to make it feel like me. The minor chord on the bridge helped with that.

6 lyric drafts left to finish from 2023…

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke


Caught in class staring into space
Wasn’t, though: I was looking at a face
Got a crush on the girl two over, one down
She’s always squinting at the board,
She never turns around

You asked me what I’m gonna do
And I say “nothing new”
I’m gonna sit, I’m gonna pine
I’m gonna dream that girl is mine
— She’s just too pure

Teeth like pearls, halo hair
Eyes kawaii, perilously rare
My mind hold files that bear her name
Can’t read her thoughts, not loud like these
Can’t get inside her brain


She’s got a dog named Teddy Bear
Cute as a stuffed animal
Her conscience must be ever-clear
I don’t know what I see in her



Some experiences are universal no matter how personal and this us the magic of this song, no matter how your girl was, or if it was a boy, we all dreamed she was ours
Nice story telling and a catchy melody;
'Teeth like pearls, halo hair
Eyes kawaii, perilously rare' .............. now that's imagery
ooh i love this one. pining is the essence of a girl crush!
vivid recreation of the romantic daydreams one indulges in during boring classroom lectures.
Really enjoyed this one. Good story, well written lyrics carried on a fine melody by a good voice. What else could anyone want.

The location "two over, one down" reminded me of a Canadian song from 1963 by Bobby Curtola. It was called "Three Rows Over". In the case of Bobby's song, the girl was two seats down. Given that the two songs are 61 years apart (yikes!) there is no similarity to the sound.
This is a fun school-crush song - the most interesting part of the crush is that the speaker isn't sure what they see in her 😆 but clearly they're still in love. But they won't do anything about it. Which is the way I remember school crushes - you couldn't do much except stare or daydream, or maybe try to flirt a little?
You captured that here and the 'cutesy' uke sound fits it very well!