The A.Eye HeadfirstOnly Task

by @aeye · @headfirstonly Mod

Liner Notes

Had a blast doing this collab with @headfirstonly We're both fans of prog and thought this was a really good fit for our respective styles.

This is sort of a "in the style of". The goal was to do something similar to "The Gold Bug" from The Alan Parsons Project's album "Turn of a Friendly Card" but with our own musical styles interwoven.

#progressiverock #instrumental #collab #electronic #prog


Sitting on the roof in the sunshine listening and suddenly the zinnias in their pot feel a little ominous. And right on cue the wall of sirens starts just as the song stops. I like the feel of this music so much.
Epic! 🤘🏻
The opening pulls you in strongly, great guitar on top of this, very film montage feel to it!
Wow! This is impressing!
The opening has a 1980s scifi vibe to it, then the more modern percussion comes in, and gives it that swing. Definitely feels like film music, possibly for a montage of lots of people and their part in a heist. Each section has such a different character, while all working cohesively together. Bravo!
It would be so cool if one day you guys could be on a stage or in a studio together. This is all kinds of awesome.
Again--so different from what I do, but something I enjoy so much. Great, great collaboration, guys!
Love that opening guitar! Almost makes me want to unzip mine from its case - lol! The claps get me moving and, well, clapping along. And now we’re kicking it with the kicks. Such a fun journey! Oh no, slaying me again with that guitar… more kicks! Oh yeah! I’m into it! And now for the calming ending - well done!