The True Enough Cross

by @freshspotlessyouth

Liner Notes

Constantine's mother, Helena, is said to have found the True Cross on the 14th of September, 320. Actually, she found three crosses: the one on which Jesus was crucified as well as those belonging to the thieves crucified alongside him. One of those those thieves, the Penitent One, repented before dying. How did she know which cross was which. There was a miracle. That's all you need to know.


Let’s say I tell you I’ve a piece of the cross
On which Christ died that day
Let’s say I maintain no link has been lost
In the whole custody chain

Helena sent a chunk to Constantinople
Thick as a man’s leg
One fathom in length

Thence it was splintered
Every prince, knight, abbot, and canon was issued
A piece in a gold box
And one came to me

Will you say she got it wrong?
Maybe Helena picked the cross of the penitent one


As a Jew, I don't know much about the cross, but I enjoyed the enigmatic lyrics and winsome performance. Sad and lovely.
I love what you've done here in so few words. This is a gem. As a long-recovering Catholic, I especially enjoy the image of the 'chunk' that's 'thick as a man's leg/one fathom in length'.

The title alone is brilliant,

Someone sure got something wrong. ;)
I really like the story telling here; such a complete, thoughtful tale, in so few well-chosen words. Lovely.
A song in which the difficult word "Constantinople" fits in very well is an accomplishment - and that's not the only challenging line. You have a knack for delivery and you're gently raising pertinent questions. All we want is a meaningful relic with which to out-brag our friends, maybe?
Also it helps to be Contantine's mama, I'd say, in the finding of significant relics.
Great delivery. Love the historic thread, and the mystery left at the end. And you're using verse, single chorus, verse, outro!
Gorgeous song that raises thoughts about belief that go way beyond these simple lines.

Are you familiar with Mark Twain's "The Innocents Abroad" - it details his participation in one of the very first package holidays which opened up "The Grand Tour" to middle class Americans. The chapter on Palestime is hilarious. He shows how gullible the passengers are when they return to the ship with as many pieces of "the true cross" as would build a small barn.
Yeah you have to have your faith somewhere, afraid I’m a Thomas I would want to put my finger in the holes. Yeah maybe we just have to decide, Nicely done!
The Catholic church would squander millions of dollars to investigate the truth of that assertion. and whatever their final decision was..that would become law. an unusual topic for such a sweetly sung song, but thats one of the many things i love about your music. Ideas pass through your brain and come out as lovely songs.
Beautiful! That’s all you need to know.