Incredible Scenes!

by @headfirstonly Mod

Incredible Scenes!

Liner Notes

All text in the verses is taken from a transcript of Trump's speech in Atlanta on August 5th.


I don’t have a guitar.
I don’t have a guitar.
I don’t have a guitar.
But our places are bigger.

He still believes that he won't be caught
That his plan can't fail
But we can see that his train of thought
has long since left the rails

So full of beans
From eating his greens!
The man's a machine!
On amphetamines!
He pouts and he preens!
We can't tell what he means!
Send in the marines!
Incredible scenes!

I love storefronts beautiful bronze,
I love bronze and everything.
The limestone, it’s a very porous stone.
And I was very good at this. I was a builder, as you may have heard.

We get more people than anybody.
I don’t care how many guitars they have.
We have to work hard to define her.
I don’t want to even define her. I just want to say who she is.


haha nice one! love the delivery, sort of Bonzo Dog flavoured with a hard industrial edge. Also put me in mind of Eddie Tenpole a bit. Love the lyrics. like Liz, i didn't read liner notes first but got who it was :) great stuff!
oh wow what an interesting idea that was executed so seriously professionally. This is really cool!
I grinned from ear to ear all the way through this one. Not only is the music fabulous, but using Trump’s words as lyrics is genius. It’s scary that these are the people in charge of the world.

See You In The Shadows…
You write a song that starts "I don’t have a guitar". What kind of alternate reality is this? 😀 Which, I guess, is a question more people should ask about his popular support.

Musically, I think the arrangement is great. The variation in what the percussion is doing adds a lot to the effect of the words.
What a crazy idea for a song. That glitchy synth is totally suitable for this track and the vocal effects on the chorus add a very Trump like emphasis. Which is scary. I had a quick look at the transcript, there are a fair few more songs in there, the saying "you couldn't make it up" is very apt here.
Trump as a contributing lyricist? I'm afraid you've lost me... ;-)

Seriously though--another great and creative song. Amazing what you put together! ❤️
It’s bananas to me to think that these are all actual things he’s said. I mean the man is insane, but still. Great use of this to turn it into something better
Well, I suppose that proves that Trump's increasingly unhinged outpourings can be used for something. This track is very satisfying musically - the synth work and structure a just brilliant. Love that chorus, too.
This is a wild ride. Truly terrifying stuff. Love the vocal fx on the chorus. Your synth wizardry is on full display here, it truly is an incredible scene. I particularly like the glitchy/vibrato sound going on with the synth introduced around :27. This is definitely the biggest most incredible scene anyone has ever seen.
Spectacular! What a treasure trove you've tapped. And you made it into dynamite. I'm blown away.
Love that stutter synth. Great frantic vocal performance. The music is awesome. Hilarious and quite terrifying! Very cyberpunk.
OMG! I listened before reading your liner notes and thought this is crazy talk! And indeed it is! Your delivery and the frenzy and spookiness of of music bits is perfect!
I love the sinister sound of this, so fitting for the subject. Great production as well. It really captures the underlying dementia.
Brilliant. You were actually able to make a story out of those rantings. Great layers.
Looks like he’s sticking to his script “Rebuild America, rebuild America, rebuild America, squawk!” Too bad, once again, there’s nobody for me to vote for.

Music is awesome!