E six and nine

by @headfirstonly Mod

E six and nine

Liner Notes

Playing about with lots of effects, an #ebow, a Parker Fly and an Ibanez RG9. Kinda #ambient, but also #experimental...


This has a wonderfully disconcerting vibe to it. Just listening makes me a feel a little on edge, like I'm half-expecting a jump scare. Thank you for not including a jump scare 😀
6/9 chords are sweet and the shape is the same from E to e A to e and D to e which is just cool…to me. There are lots of wonderful tones in here. Your ebow sounds lovely I’ve only used mine to make horror movie noises this summer. I’m immature.
Ya this is gorgeous dude. Pairing perfectly with my cup of coffee.
Lovely sounds, evocative of lots of space, giving the listener plenty of time to take it all in. I enjoyed this. I'm going to go listen to your next one, as I wanted this to go on longer..
Strong tone to start and draw in, the guitar layer goes so well in this, very cool and much enjoyed!
Ah, a little dinner prep music! (Well, it started that way. Then I realized I should have headphones on for this me.)
Somewhat fitting too, I think, that a thunderstorm is rolling through our corner of Florida. This piece seems to conjure both earthy nature and outer space. Wonderful!
I really liked the development in this. We started out with a very epic feeling, with what I would call a grunchy Undertone that warned of something serious coming. A bit of an escape into the glassy heights, And then that seriousness came back, but developed into full on strings beneath. A great way to finish the story.
Those long echos really make it swim. Sounds like a cool synth. It would be really awesome with a percussion track to propel it.
Yep--I can picture the Sci Fi movie that this would be playing under. Great job--sound design fascinates me. ❤️
sitting on a roof in New York, the music makes everything feel ominous - the water towers, the herbs, the helicopters overhead, and now, yep - here come the sirens just like the music predicted.
What's coming around the corner? This soundscape makes me feel just on the edge of my seat the whole time. When are you going to resolve this? Even at the end it feels like there's more to come. Great job.
yeah feels like the storm is coming to me, not your usual chill ambient. big and bold! lovely piece of music.
It sounds like a sunrise by the sea! Light blue/pink/orange!
And like a lot of space!
I like it very much!
This is a strong ambient piece of music. And as someone who can barely wrangle six strings (and would not want to have to tune, or heaven forbid, change, nine strings) I commend you on your excellent usage of the RG9.
I immediately like this.
Great headphone mix.
Ah, then the guitar comes in and hovers over the ambience below like a steel insect.
Nice slightly ominous bass line.
Excellent work here.
I’m old enough not to be bothered of the electromagnetic fields from an ebow so maybe it’s about time to get one.

Oh, I forgot to review the “song” (I do like the silent voices in the chorus ;) ;) ;)). I like it. Reminds me of how I was playing with sound-on-sound and echo effects on my old tape recorder. No comparisons otherwise. Your experiment evokes weird movie sequences in my mind.
i never knew ambient music could be so scary, but then there are all kinds of ambience. this feels like the ambience of a zombie apocalypse. i have to admit it is an ambience i prefer to the more meditative type.