The Dead Man's Curve

by @andrea

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I borrowed the idea from a legend my husband told me about Abigail West in the Adirondacks. I was going to write about that legend, but after doing some research, I found it far-fetched. I decided I would simply make up my own legend šŸ˜

I am still questioning some words here and there, but I am starting to go a bit mad. Time to post and consider revisions later. Feel free to make suggestions for small changes.



Just outside Union City
In the foothills of Tennessee
A legend lives on
Full of sorrow and mystery

Abigail has been a widow
Since that stormy fateful day
When her husband met tragedy
Along the route 45 highway

He was heading home from work
When clouds came sweeping in
Rain pounding on his window
Blinding his vision

Tire marks left a trail
His car skidded and swerved
Then went over the rail
On that hairpin turn
The Dead Manā€™s Curve

Abigailā€™s a single mother
Every day she feels afraid
Her four children are her whole world
And she does her best to keep them safe

She takes them with her everywhere
To have them by her side
But storms are prone to happen
On highway 45

Tire marks left a trail
Her car skidded and swerved
Then went over the rail
On that hairpin turn
The Dead Manā€™s Curve

When thunder trembles
And lightning strikes the sky
Keep a watchful eye on highway 45
For many have observed
Poor Abigail's ghost
Searching for her family
Near The Dead Manā€™s Curve


A tragedy that doesn't become a horror tale, but still has this eerie, other worldly feel to it. I'm not sure if it's the way I'm taking in the chorus, but the song feels like it doesn't need it, but then I kept thinking about that song, The Devil Went Down to...? (I don't remember where he went but he ended up playing against a fiddle virtuoso). At any rate, Andrea, I think the chorus is pretty solid and supports the rest of the narrative rather securely. nice work.
Great storytelling! This scans well, too. I hope it gets music! For some reason ā€œnow deemedā€ sticks out a bit when I read the chorus. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the rhythm or just that itā€™s less conversational. You could try something like ā€œnow itā€™s Dead Manā€™s Curve.ā€ But I hesitate to suggest that ā€” only because you mentioned you were open to small changes ā€” and if you love ā€œnow deemedā€ please ignore me. šŸ˜…
I do love this lyric. It's so descriptive and who doesn't love a juicy ghost story? Love it! I'm going to pick you up on your challenge and put some music to this if I may :)
I DO love a good "story song"--preferably done with a nice simple folk arrangement. Hope somebody picks this up! ā¤ļø
a hidden ghost story. really well written all leading to that great ending.
Chilling. For me, maybe because I'm nerdy that way, I'm wondering what car each of them were driving, also wondering if a model reference might help give the listener a time period. It's your song so best of luck with it and I hope this gets music!
I think itā€™s great writeā€¦ Always love the legend story type of songā€¦ I think you did a great job crafting the tale with vivid imagery.

I like @billwhite51 ā€˜s suggestion,,,
Canā€™t wait to hear a classic Andrea Collab of this song! Write on!
you asked for it, so my suggestion is to drop the "deemed as" and to intensify things, you could add this to the chorus " Dead Mans curve /Dead Man's Curve / she went over the rail/ on the Dead Man's Curve. " Just a suggestion , as you asked for them..but the lyric is excellent as is.
Love story based lyrics and this is a great one. The chorus and outro particularly stood out for me. Great writing!
Whoa! This is powerful and gave me goosebumps! Great storytelling!
Wow! That's some cinematic narrative that is so compelling from the off...wonderfully well written and will make for a gripping song!