About Goats and Octopods

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#dreamy #pop

My ongoing collaboration with Mahtowin is the most musically satisfying project I've ever worked on. I love her unique lyrics and the way she weaves magical vocal tapestries around the music.

The fact that octopods have 9 brains is an absolutely fascinating fact for me, I'm already overwhelmed with one brain! And I actually wanted to write a text about it.... but then I was at the organic market and we have goat cheese and goat milk there - I love both of them very much! Plus I love goats!

... and all the while a voice whispers in the background: Cigarettes!

This light, feel-good music by Pennyfeather wanted light and slightly crazy lyrics! Here we go!

P.S.: still ain‘t bought no cigarettes!


Schreib ich über Ziegen?
Könnt ich Ziegen lieben?
Aber sicher doch! Ganz gewiss!
Die haben was Verrücktes, was ich sonst so vermiss!

Oder ich sing über einen Oktopus,
der doch ständig mit sich selbst im Konflikt sein muss!
Ob Oktopoden Selbstgespräche führen?
Das ist doch eigentlich ein Muss
für jeden Oktopus!
Das hat so was Verrücktes!
Sowas schönes verrücktes, was ich sonst so vermiss!

Oder soll ich doch lieber
mir einfach mal wieder
eine schöne Schachtel Zigaretten kaufen?
Stattdessen bin ich in den Biomarkt gelaufen!

So vernünftig!
So erwachsen!

Aber Lust auf eine Zigarette,
eine klitzekleine, ganz nette ...
hab ich immer noch!

Das hat sowas Verrücktes,
was ich sonst so vermiss!

About goats and octopods

Am I writing about goats?
Can I love goats?
Of course! Assuredly!
They have something crazy that I otherwise miss so much!

Or I'll sing about an octopus,
who must constantly be in conflict with himself!
Do octopods talk to themselves?
This is actually a must do
for every octopus!
There's something so crazy about that!
Such a beautiful, crazy thing that I usually miss so much!

Or should I rather
just buy me again
a nice pack of cigarettes?
Instead I ran to the organic market!

So sensible!
So grown up!

But I still long for a cigarette,
a tiny, very nice one...
I still got that need!

There's something so crazy about that,
that I usually miss so much


There have been lots of fawmers over the years who have appealed to my particular sensibilities, but you guys are right up there. I don't even know what to say, except that you two hit my musical pleasure center just about every time. I read the English translation after the song was over, and now I like the song even more. All the twists and turns and questions made me smile
Yes, a wonderful collaboration for sure. I too love octopi, and so seldom do you hear a song about them. With goat cheese and cigarettes, too! Very calming and steady music. Like the guitar cruising along.
I love how this starts out intending to be educational (the nine brains thing is weird and awesome) but ends up being a song about nicotine cravings! My brain immediately went to the "they both have creepy eyes" factoid (parallel evolution for the win!) so maybe there's a follow-up song there...
The liner notes AND the song were both thoroughly enjoyable. Musing about octopods works for me! Sweet vocal tones here and a pleasing accompaniment.
I know what you mean about those vocals! Kinda reminds me of EmilyLou Harris but more ethereal.
Does the octopus predict football scores! A more simple soundscape this time! We often want what we can’t have! Almost a bit kraftwerk! Excellent.