It's Hard to Start a Fire in the Rain

by @charlie_leemburg · @stephenwordsmith

Liner Notes

So here's my contribution for the trend of setting @stephenwordsmith's lyrics to a music
I think I found a nice flow for the lyrics, I haven't heard anyone else's interpretations so



There's nothing but the nothingness before the silver spark
That summons the illusions to illuminate the dark
The blood is cold, the spirit low, the mind a weathered plain
And it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

No matter how we wend the way, the first step's always trying
So armed with willing sticks of wood and will of well-wrought iron
And versed so well in what it takes to rub without refrain
But it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long
The shush of records broken on the promise of a song
The flicker of a line that leaps and falters just as fast
The sputter of a first light that could never hope to last

So once again we set our soul into the sparks that fly
To burden them with bursts of life, to burn alive and die
To help us find the fortitude to fall and rise again
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain


This is pretty trippy. I like the crossed rhythms, and the sampled vocals are fun. Nicely done.
very creative and original setting of this great lyric to music--- nicely done! alot of fun!
Very original interpretation. Your synth arrangement is nice - the repeating bass/drums is hypnotic and you've creating some interesting counter-melodic stuff to your vocal melody. Good stuff.
That's a cool vibe-y synth track underlying this. I like the vocal echos, too. Really interesting and definitely different (which is great!) from the other versions I've heard. I also like the instrumental transitions. Glad you jumped on this song!
Oh different again! and a cool lighter version, some great sounds in here very catchy as well!
the ooAAooAAaaOOaaOO part lends the song some bubbly lightness!
Nearly 20 versions in, this is the first one that drops the pathos and just has fun. Refreshing - and appreciated. The 'in the rain!' call-and-response made me smile, as did the synthy detail that kicks in from verse two.

Your cadence is great - these lines aren't the most approachable, even for those with English as a first language. You deal with them effortlessly.

Love the acidic, laser-y breakdown at the end.
Hypnotic.. love the all the layers... I'm slowly spinning around with my arms out... cool tune!