
Charlie Leemburg






Just some guy who likes making songs and I've made like over 600 songs in the past, yay?

Things to expect from me this 50/90
- Stuff
- More songs from my next album
- Me having uploaded my previous album for you to listen to before 50/90 starts
- ???

Stats right now:
Actual 50/90 tracks: 17
Album tracks: 10

See I’m not actually that productive

Stats & Playlists:
2023 50/90: 63
2024 FAWM: 79 https://bitly.cx/PY7E7

Recent projects to check out
The Buildup: https://bitly.cx/XbOB
Solutions: https://bitly.cx/qkg4C



Hi and thanks for listening & commenting!
Thanks for commenting on Lazy Wildlife!
Hi Charlie.
Thanks for your full explanation of the "Skirmish vs Long Gestation" issue. I appreciate you taking the time to explain.

I suppose I knee-jerked a little, because I have read several comments on the site which did indeed seem to hint that Skirmish written songs are inferior. As someone who always works better to a deadline and to an external prompt, I guess I am over sensitive on this issue. 😉
Thanks so much for helping our weired beast out of the zong! And for obviously listening till the end and commenting!
Thanks so much for your comment on "That’s What" -- and busting me out of Zong-land! It's GOOD advice, no question in my mind, to "choose the hill you want to die on," but the song lyrics aren't really advice. They're just responding to an imaginary situation in which the narrator has decided not to fight. ;)
Thanks for taking "Waves of Lost Passion" for a spin, Charlie. You mention unorthodox and that may be the right word. If you listen again, you'll find that the melody lines kind of wrap around the lines of the lyrics in places.
Hey Charlie! Looks like you’re knocking it out of the park here… Can’t wait to hear your music… Thanks for stopping by to read and comment on all stars are suns! Appreciate your input.
Thx for comments on my song. Much appreciated.
have a great 5090! Looking forward to your 'stuff'