Baby, I'm Your Man

by @tcelliott · @newukenewyork


Liner Notes

#collab #slack #stolenlyric #rock #hardrock

TC: We were chatting and Wordsmith and Jenny gave out some fun lyrics based on our conversation. I took Jenny's and elaborated it into a love song for my wife.. well lovesong-ish. Love you, baby.

I should probably add that all of these scenarios are true(ish.) I've maybe changed a detail here or there. (It was a taco salad, not a taco; I only had $17.69 in the bank account; etc.,)


Itty bitty trailer in a pretty shitty park
Tried to fix an outlet but the microwave went dark
But I can rig your furnace fan
Baby, I'm your man

I tried to get a taco but you gave me a burrito
So I pestered you all night just like a very drunk mosquito
I had 18 dollars and
Baby, I'm your man

It doesn't take a genius to know that I'm not perfect
And when I asked you out you seemed unconverted
But I'm not nothing if not persistent
And my persistence won in this instance

I took you to get noodles at the pasta factory
I wined and dined and charmed you with all my flattery
I guess it worked 'cause now we're married
Baby, I'm your man
I guess it worked 'cause now we're married
Baby, I'm your man


Awesome garage rock vibe here. Love how tight those drums feel and that the guitar sounds like it’s being played on a tiny 5W speaker dialled up to the max. The lyrics are ever so sweet, particularly enjoyed the rhyming of burrito and mosquito. Persistence wins almost every time, congrats!
Oh, what a fun little song this is!
works well lyrically sound like the pixies and musically a bit different but still nicely in that alt rock style
Yup, this works. Love the drive and the wordplay. Amazing that you could throw this together in such a sort time.
That must have been quite a conversation. Never thought of trying to turn a conversation into a song--although they DO constantly inspire ideas, don't they! Great "collaboration" (if that's technically correct). Particularly liked the vocal!
So quirky! Even though it's a short song, the story is well told and wrapped up efficiently with "I guess it worked cause now we're married." Love it! :)
a rockin piece of neo-rockabilly with some clever foodie lyrics and some classic lines, my favorite being 'I pestered you all night just like a very drunk mosquito'
Awesome!!! Great straight ahead rocker!! Love it! would have a very different vibe on uke! LoL!!
Love the rockin vibe - perfect for this fun song! And the comment from @stephenwordsmith “if this was the first pop song I’d hesrd …” priceless!
Ha! It’s all in the noodles. Fun story wrapped up in a fun, rocking tune.
Very cool minute-rock! All the near rhymes totally make it a classic hit! Great performance, too. I love it!
the rhyme with "mosquito" really does work!!! this is very cute and rocks very hard. the transition into the bridge is extremely well executed.
Amazing what you can fit into a minute. This feels like a complete song. If this was the first pop song I'd ever heard, I'd be very surprised to find the others all three times as long.

The rhymes here are choice. You made the right decision going with 'mosquito' there; it feels very at home at the end of its line.

I like all the little tableau here. This is a love story unique to you, but one we can all recognise and appreciate. Happy to have played a small part in its inspiration.
Aww, I love it! So pleased to be a small part of this one. Rockin’! That pause after the “instance” payoff is my favorite moment, and I love the melodic lift on “man!”