It's Hard To Start a Fire In the Rain

by @robynmackenzie Mod · @stephenwordsmith

It's Hard To Start a Fire In the Rain
robynmackenzie +1

Liner Notes

Boy do I love bandwagons sometimes. Especially when there's an actual band on them.

Lyrics by the fabulous @stephenwordsmith. Thank you for letting this community play with your words!

#collab #rock


There's nothing but the nothingness before the silver spark
That summons the illusions to illuminate the dark
The blood is cold, the spirit low, the mind a weathered plain
And it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

No matter how we wend the way, the first step's always trying
So armed with willing sticks of wood and will of well-wrought iron
And versed so well in what it takes to rub without refrain
But it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain

The trickle through your fingertips of thoughts that hold too long
The shush of records broken on the promise of a song
The flicker of a line that leaps and falters just as fast
The sputter of a first light that could never hope to last

So once again we set our soul into the sparks that fly
To burden them with bursts of life, to burn alive and die
To help us find the fortitude to fall and rise again
For it's hard to start a fire in the rain, in the rain
It's hard to start a fire in the rain


Musically, this reminds me of some of my favourite 90s music. Lyrically, it's way cleverer than that, but that's only a good thing. Great energy giving a not quite angry, but pretty bloody fed up vibe, which is only underlined by the "oohs". Nicely done.
Killer version - love the rockin' vibe and classic progression. Excellent melody - love how you go from high to low. Nice harmonies.
This is my 3rd "fire in the rain" listen as well and it very much delivers. Love the grungy fuzzy guitar tone. The mix is really full without being muddy, sounds great! Great rendition of this modern 5090 classic.
This is the 3rd version of this lyric I've listened to and I must say I have enjoyed all of them but this one rocks my socks off.
Your version creates the picture of an open air stage in summer in my head. In case the rain the rain would pour down your rocking song surely will spark a fire in the audience.
Rocking out version of these lyrics! Shows how the music can have such an impact on the meaning in lyrics.
Amazing melodic Rock version of this superbly enigmatic lyric by everything about it!
Loving this rock version! The guitar riff really drives it along, and I enjoyed the background ooohs that come in before the bridge.
i OBVIOUSLY love the guitar work on yours ... and the OOOH aaaaaah part brings a real hopeful lift!!!
If you don't mind my saying, the indie rock aesthetic and female vocals hint (to me) at a particular kind of adversity - the 'rain' here could be systemic privilege and oppression, something that I find myself almost entirely at the non-pointy end of. It's a little humbling hearing my own words reflected back at me as a reminder that they ring true for other people in ways that I cannot experience for myself. And, yet, it's rewarding to see that I've managed to articulate a story that isn't mine to tell, while staying in my lane. And it's hard to start a fire in your lane. Or something.

Love your guitarwork, the energy, the drive, the buzz, the *grit*. The pause after 'hope to last' is absolutely brilliant. And the oooohs are divine.
Great guitarwork with that gritty tone and super catchy main riff. Has cool somehow 90's indie rock vibes. Killer vocal melody expertly delivered with heaps of emotion.
Great feel to this. The guitars and vocals in particular are very good indeed. The music and lyrics go together really well.
i commented but it vanished - so here we go again. Great to see Robyns style stamped on this - that dirty guitar give that faint psychedelic feel. great double vox - great energy!
Sweet! Glad you jumped on the bandwagon here! Fun, grungy music and a really nice refrain couplet. I like how you rocked it.
Dang! This is like, epic sonic goodness all up in my face. The energy from this is crazy amazing. I see that interpreting @stephenwordsmith's is indeed a thing...a very good thing, I might add. So many approaches I've heard and all have been unique and inspiring in their own way. Excellent work. The Wordsmith is on point with zero disappointment.
The melody really works well with the lyrics, feels like they word made for each other. I really like the energy here, especially on the "It's hard to start a fire in the rain" refrain.
What a great take, so perfectly Robyn. There's something about the vocal delivery (and melody) that isn't quite hopefulness but somehow makes me... not exactly happy but not so sad about dealing with my problems. It's hard to describe, but it's very interesting and a unique take/attitude from what I've heard before.
Love those quick chord changes, and the sheer amount of yummy fuzz on the guitar. Awesome driving energy, particularly the way you really hammer home the refrain each time! The little pause after the bridge is great too, allows us to catch our breath before the final verse, which feels very in keeping with the sentiment of the lyrics at that point in the song. Well done for chucking another spark on the fire!
Driving guitars! Classic Robyn vocals. What's not to like. Thanks for contributing to the avalanche of Wordsworth musicality.