My Guardian Angel

by @gfandme

Skirmish: Secret Lives of Other Bei... (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

Fasten your seatbelts for a long flight.

#space #rock #progressiverock


Whispers in the cosmic wind
Ethereal wings that gently bend
Through dimensions, time, and space
My guardian angel's warm embrace

Celestial light, a guiding hand
Across the astral plains we stand
Protector of my fragile soul
Two halves that make one cosmic whole

My guardian angel, ever near
Through darkest night and doubt and fear
Ascended master, spirit guide
In you, my essence does reside

Visions of a higher plane
Where spirit forms break mortal chains
Dancing through the cosmic sea
My angel shows what I can be

Keeper of the sacred flame
Beyond all earthly praise or blame
In silent wisdom, ever true
My higher self revealed in you

My guardian angel, ever near
Through darkest night and doubt and fear
Ascended master, spirit guide
In you, my essence does reside

As above, so down below
The microcosm's ethereal glow
In every atom, every star
My guardian angel's never far

My guardian angel, ever near
Through darkest night and doubt and fear
Ascended master, spirit guide
In you, my essence does reside
In you, all mysteries abide
With you, through cosmos we'll collide

© 2024 GF&ME


What epic journey. The production level is just a whole other level. The bass is so driving and groovy. Everything is good, the scorching solos, the voice. Even the content touches on deep esoteric knowledge of guardian angels. I just can’t even. Great job.
The length said American Pie.

It seemed like Her Majesty.

I was literally astounded at 7:15....I'd have pegged it 2:45.

Crazy good.
Oh my! I was grabbing the table when the mellotron came in. And that bass. Reminds me so much of Anekdoten. And those lyrics are mesmerizing. I’m a huge prog lover and I’m a fan of yours!
Ooo. Wow!
Phenomenal!! seriously amazing track
Again, this is just superb. You've got ALL of the "skills" down--lyrics, arrangement (especially), vocals. Really amazing stuff, and I'm glad I came across your stuff... ❤️
Great flow with the builds and fall off's! Curious if you started with the Bass line? Feels like everything else instrumentally weaves around the Bass line! Great Trip!
Seatbelt fastened, here we go… Epic right off the bat. Love the big reverbs and that awesome bass line. This really feels like it’s stepped straight out of the 70s, you’ve really nailed the progginess. Great vocal. The way each section evolves is fabulous. Cool reverse guitar solo. Top marks for ambition and execution, well done!
So. Epic. Wowza. Starts off with a bang and takes you on a long and wild cosmic journey. Well done!
I'm a huge fan of progressive rock and how epic it can become, and this song is absolutely no exception! It has an appropriately ethereal feel and was a pleasant listen. Love this!
This is an epic tune. I feel the Rick Wakeman and Steve Howe vibes. Great lyrics. Vocals are close to a John Wetton feel.