
by @headfirstonly Mod


Liner Notes

It's time to wheel out my #leonardcohen shtick once again. But it's the #warrguitar which takes centre stage this time around. The Eventide #h90 is adding a little harmonic icing on the cake here, and as soon as I heard what it was doing to the Warr, the whole song popped into my head.

There's nothing autobiographical intended by the lyrics; it just seemed like an interesting idea...


I know this circuit will start feeding back
Its tendency to do so never fails
It seems we're travelling the self-same track
but somehow riding different rails

If I go this way, you will too
But how is it we know just what to do?

Kindred spirit, or common mind?
We parallel each other all the time
A buried something left for us to find?
Which of us the copy, who's the prime?

If there is a place where I'm supposed to be
I'll always find that you're already there
We're each supposed to have a separate destiny
But somehow it's a life that we both share

It seems we're haunted by each other's souls
Constructed from a common plan
All our performances a single role
We must interpret how we can


That's a GREAT vocal register for you. Beautifully paced and structured song.
The production here is out of sight, although I know that's not the main thing.
Leonard Cohen a great Canadian and the man across the pond has nailed the tempo and timbre of his singing style..well done Chris. A more complex backing track than Cohen would have done but I am sure he would highly approve of it's detailed structure, instrumentation and the lyrics. Your shtick is working well😎🤘🏼
This is the second time I've had a song here start off fine and then go down to about one-fifth of the volume. Yesterday a song (using the FAWM player with the little turntable and all) completely glitched for me (and one other person). I wonder if it's my problem or on the FAWM end. Great song, by the way!! ❤️
I like your vocal in this register. I'm not too familiar with Len's repertoire so now off to find out more about what I'm missing, as this is rather splendid.

p.s. on first reading, I thought you had a new instrument: the LC Stick (c.f. Chapman) but luckily realised my mistake before announcing that faux-pas to the internet.
I can hear Mr. Cohen applauding from his cloud!
Yes, the reference to him is clearly audible and wonderfully implemented! This calm, distant style of spoken singing - all that's missing is a lascivious female background choir!

Very nice song! And the whole thing is surrounded by an extremely flattering bass!
Respect! Great!
Actually makes me think of Floyd as well as Cohen. The instrumentation really works well with your vocals.
Yes! Same here. Creating songs my teenage self would have loved. Thought provoking and ethereal!
A superfab intricately layered schtick well done!
I've commented on your great ability to flag a chorus is coming up with a really well crafted (and to the point) prechorus - so just to say, this one does a great job too.

The chorus is pretty nifty too - that stop start singalong melody is earcatching. It feels like it's the centrepiece of this song, and that structurally and in terms of dynamics that everything is aligned for the chorus.

mmm, that guitar that comes in at the start of the second verse is lovely, niggling, circular. The way you develop on this with the third verse part is really satisfying.

Ooh, and the octavey sounding guitar after the second chorus is nice too, big fuzzy slabs in the middle-distance.
The bass player in the prog rock band I play in occasionally has been drooling over Warr guitars for years. I digress though, always enjoy your gravely LC stylistic vocals, I get a 90’s prog vibe atmospheric track the ending made me think of Twin Peaks soundtrack for a second, really like the little instrumental part before the last verse.
Cohen always had a really unique style to his songs you did a great job of adding this to yours.
Wonderful Leonard Cohen flavor, with hints of Warren Zevon and Lou Reed. Awesome lyrics. That soft rift guitar during the verses is sublime, contrasting the vibrant stabs during the chorus. Wonderfully complete.
Love that whispery Leonard Cohen vibe… wondered if you would pull it off when I read the liner notes. Well done!