R.I.P. Van Winkle

by @brisk

Liner Notes

I'm sure this sounds like a lot of songs, but I liked the little twangy guitar bit. The original melody was a bit dull, I think this one is a bit better. The chorus bit came today, the verse bit over the weekend some time.

I suppose it is my take on Space Oddity, but... you know, not as good.

Oh, and I was pleased for a seven bar verse (if that's what it is, most of the time) I like it when you can muck around with that stuff.

#whoops #astronaut #humanandguitar #lullaby


Ground above me
Stars below
Maybe I am spinning
But it's really hard to know

Shining, shining
A firework show
I don't know the reasons
There's some things we can't know

I've been sleeping so damn long
So I wait for kingdom come

Fire above us
Ice below
A curious arrangement
If I may be so bold

*The Music Of The Spheres*

I've been sleeping so damn long
So I wait for kingdom come
Too much sleeping
Can go wrong
So I sleep 'til kingdom come

Turning, turning
The world is old
I don't know the reasons
I just do as I'm told


I like how it can be about sleeping or being dead or about Rip vW. There’s a dreamy sense of all this sleeping is boring, no, wait I like this. I especially liked how the expressions like Kingdom Come and Do as I’m Told float in and out like the seeds of dreams.
I really like the languid and, yes, spacey vibe of this song--it evokes the "drifting peacefully into nothingness" mood so well, and the barely audible "ground control" noises in the background are the perfect production touch. Quite captivating.
Delightful atmosphere throughout the song. Love the flowing nature of the lyrics, the switch with opposites. Very creative. Nice listen.
What a clever title! Such a gentle, ethereal listen and strangely calming...
Love this nice simple arrangement. GREAT vocals! I really enjoyed this one. ❤️
Came for the pun in the title, stayed for the lovely guitars and the gentle vocals. This is sweetly mournful, but doesn't make a fuss about its lot in life, just rolls over, pulls the duvet back up to its ears, and drifts off again. Wonderful stuff!
Love the guitar great song with a super ending
Nice late 60’s vibe. Cool.
I think this sounds rather lovely. Getting a bit of a late Beatles vibe even, especially when the harmonies come in, and the backing instrument (not sure what it is, but it sounds very nice).
Ooh, is that live guitar? The little intervals, and the way the melody kind of follows them, sounds beautiful. Just got to the 'Music Of The Spheres'. That's a profound moment, right there. Great, subtle harmonies. Ooh, and I love the repeated 'shining, shining' and 'turning, turning', particularly the latter as it emphasises the sense of perpetual motion. Glad you gave it go with another melody - what you've ended up with is really rather lovely. And that drifting off ending is the perfect sign-off given the overall floatiness of the song. Well done!