I Am Grief and I Am With You

by @complexissimple

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

The "Emotions Are People Too Challenge" thread encourages us to write a song from the perspective of an emotion. I admit I did not read beyond the first example before I was gripped with the desire to write this, and had to leave to do so. I'm not sure it captures EVERYTHING I'd want to say from the perspective of Grief, but it's at the very least a good skeleton to build on (with other songs, perhaps).

The challenge thread: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/forums/2626

#grief #eaptc


[Verse 1]
All you love shall turn to me one day
You know this, but do not anticipate
Though when we meet you don't expect me, for forever you are mine
I may intrude at any moment, though you tell yourself you're fine
That I cannot reach you once you have run past the furthest hill
I am with you, you'll remember, - you won't want to, but you will

So I shall be your passion for a while
Obsession, you'll see me at every turn
And turn away, only to find me in your path
And crush me beneath your heel to no avail
But slowly, your heart and mind and attention then shall fill
With other things; for me you'll not still burn
And yearn to push away while holding fast
Distraction will set in, for days until
I am with you, you'll remember, - you won't want to, but you will
For forever, I am with you, and while I am, so are they still

[Verse 2]
I shall surprise you someday down the line
When you turn and suddenly you find
I'm still here, lurking in the corner underneath a pile of clothes
Where your best beloved once left you a thornless rose
And the remnant of a petal is ground into the carpet still
I am with you, you'll remember, - you won't want to, but you will
For forever I am with you, and while I am, so are they still

So take comfort in this knowledge, though it may be a bitter pill:
For forever I am with you, and while I am, so are they still
For forever I am with you, and while I am, so are they still


Agreement with the previous comment - "you won't want to, but you will" is so true. And you find grief in the weirdest places - "underneath a pile a clothes" captures that sudden unwelcome discovery very well. It's a back and forth kind of phenomenon, and you did justice to that.
Woah. "You won't want to, but you will" the way you use that repetition is gutting. I have a very specific relationship with grief and this encapsulates a lot of it super accurately. Your writing here is poignant and painful and sweet. Beautiful work.
This is a gorgeous lyric. I think the part that grips me the most is "Forever I am with you, and while I am, so are they still." Goes with Vision's observation in Wandavision that grief is just love persevering. Thank you for this wonderful response to the challenge!