
Nyxie Huitsing






  • Stratford CA
Hooray! FAWM is here again😀

Agender, queer

This is my fifth FAWM and I don't really have a specific goal. I mostly want to push myself to try new composing formats and tools, and to continue exploring storytelling in song.

I'm witchy, neurodivergent, classically trained and yet interested in all things musical. I play piano, ukulele and a smattering of percussion. I'm gradually building my recording chops and finding my writing voice.

#classical #piano #vocal #lyricist #singer_songwriter #mentalhealth #witchy #neurodivergent #AuDHDbrain



Thanks for reading my Eat a Cookie Lyrics yesterday and commenting! I really appreciate your words.
Heeeey congrats on the win!!! Thank you so much for listening and commenting on my songs, you put in so much thought and attention to details and little things and it makes me feel really cool haha. I appreciate you my friend ❤️ I think you’re doing FAWM beautifully and one of the people who makes it such a lovely place to be
Hi Nyxie. Thanks for listening to my song "That Girl is Me" and for leaving such a wonderful comment.

It was really kind and i appreciate it so much. Thank you. ☺️

Pssst. i'll let you in on a secret. *giggles*
🎶Sweet as a Siren. Mean as a badger🎶 is a favorite line of mine in that song.

🤭 see what i did there?
Hi! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on Slow Kisses. I’m slow to FAWM this year, but looking forward to listening to your stuff soon!
Thanks for the love for "We All Play On"! It's really (nearly) a 3-chord song switching Em--D-C in the verse to C--D--Em in the chorus with a walkdown from G to Em thrown in; not terribly complex, really, but I'm thrilled that you like it.
Oh, not totally my song, it was a collaboration with @freddie13
Frog and Toad, for me, just emerged out of FAWM sillyness. They first appeared last year in my song Amphibian Green (I'll link below). I'm delighted to hear there are books that people connect to these characters and I would help with any such project because A) its fun and B) I love children 😀

Wanted to leave you a note that your song Midnight Worlds inspired a song Break Up in F minor. Hope to post my low quality demo tomorrow. Thank you.
Why am I not surprised we have a shared taste in books! Glad you think I did justice to the song - without giving too much away.
Your comment means so much - holding space is What I Do, it’s a pretty central part of how I see myself and move through the world. I only recently realized it’s a big part of my songwriting as well. It feels lovely to have that recognized. 💜
Wow... @nwhosings, I meant to say "Hush," not "Heroin Bleach" in my last comment. Thank you for the kind words on "Hush" LOL
haha No worries! It's definitely a challenge when it's out of one's norm :)
Thank you for your kind words on "Heroin Bleach." Sometimes these challenges take us in a direction we didn't know we were going to go haha! Sure, you can set it to music. I would love to hear what you do with it 😄 🎵
Thank you for your kind words on "Yosemite's Song." I hope some day you get to experience the place because it truly transports you to a special place where nothing else in the world matters.
Hello! Good FAWMing to you!
Nyxie! Thrilled to share another FAWM with you ❤️
Hiiiii, happy FAWMing!!! 😁
Hi Nyxie! Looking forward to hearing some great music!
Hi Nyxie! Looking forward to listening to your songs again this year!
hi nyxie! i can’t wait to hear whatever you end up creating this year <3
Happy FAWM to you as well!!
Have an excellent FAWM!
Hey, glad to see you back here! Cheers to another FAWM!
Good morning! I'm glad to see that you're here!