
Leo Lennox






  • Wellington NZ
2025, let’s go!

Happy to talk collabs, the weirder the better

They/them pronouns chur

Band with @jo3m @choreboy and @smashysmash

Check out my dad @jongoldie, officially FAWMing now after a collab with me last year, and my mum @carolga also FAWMing for the first time!



...hey, thank you for the nice comment on the Hieronymus Bosch Jam - have a nice FAWM 2025!...
your comment on my 'cool beans' song made me seriously laugh, I appreciate you!
Sent you an email. I didn't send a demo yet, but can. It doesn't fit the current vibe of your songs - at all, haha. Just saw that.
Thanks for your comment on "Blueberries for Marzipan"! I did have picture books in mind, and I'm very pleased you thought that came through. Hello to your dog! :)
Hey-- thanks for that comment on my song Convenience. I appreciate the vibe you got from it. :)
Thanks! I'm quite pleased with it.
Awwww, thanks so much, Leo, your note is gonna make me misty!
I love listening to someone who makes such different music to what I make, but listens with, shall I say similar ears?
I appreciate you too💙.
Been loving your explorations this year, I hope the rest of the month can continue to be good metal catharsis🤘
Hi, thanks for your comment on my Candy for Cats skirmish! Much appreciated 🧡
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment on my Jaunty Reel. I'm glad it made your dog walk fun!
Hi. I am now stalking you officially lol. Let's talk sometime haha. Cheers
Hey thanks so much for the mountain goats/ajj comparison I love both of them!!
Thanks for the kind words about The Basement Couch. And you are correct: the recording was done in the same basement where the couch lives.
Thanks for the kind words! Look forward to checking out your tunes:)
Thanks for the comment on my song! Really means a lot!!
Hey thanks for your comment. I've just uploaded a new link so hopefully it'll work for you now. Cheers (:
Thank you so much for your nice comments on my Three Hawks song! I'm hoping to do some heavy listening shortly - curious to check yours out!
Thank you so much for your comment on Omnishambles - it was genuinely heartwarming (and heaven knows how hard I beat the 'FAWM comments are mostly superficial and transactional' drum, which should give you some sense of where my Overton window of sincerity is installed). It's the sort of thing that gives me renewed energy to write.

I went to Dangerfield a few months ago to buy some controversial work pants (which I am currently wearing... at work), and I saw a flier on the window with a list of musicians, including your good self, and I was like 'I've collaborated with them!' and got quite excited. A FAWMer sighting in the wild.
Great to hear you're up for another collaboration. Looking forward to it!
Big big waves around the world to you!! Woooooooooooooooooooooo
Should be fun,
Good to see you back for FAWM. I enjoyed our collaborations last year, and the songs that came out of them. I'd love to do it again, if you've got the time and inclination. I look forward to listening to what you come up with this February.
Heyoooo from halfway around the world in a frozen wasteland. Happy FAWM🤓
Hey Leo, happy fawming
Let's friggin goooooooooooooo