upcycled paraphernalia

by @nahlej381


Liner Notes

#lofi #lowerfi #upcycle

been buying this indiana gas station THC-A weed that comes in pre-rolls stuffed into plastic tubes to preserve freshness. i've been re-using the tubes in the studio...some come in glass and are perfect size for slide guitar, this track i recorded myself opening one of the plastic tubes which makes a really nice tubey pop when it opens...sounds like a single note from the cheapest kalimba you can find if you get it just right.

the drums are from the cassette of my bro tom playing drums, sampled that into studio one (daw) and chopped it into a pattern. then i used the plastic to make a bass and the rest of the instrumentation. all non-drum noises are just a plastic tube pitched on a keyboard and the end is a water bottle being crinkled up. pretty basic "producer" type challenge but it was still a lot of fun and a good way to spend an hour while waiting on the dryer.


Good loopy top end to go with the crinkle and crunch underneath. Drum solo at the end very sweet.
Def a cool sound you get out of those tubes 👍
This is gritty and I'm all about it. All those recycled sounds sound nothing like they originally did, you definitely wizarded em up!
@davidtaro thats a combo or vst distortion and I recorded the drum clipping onto tape before sampling. I was like “f it, make em real bad”
What a fun process to make this and how nice this worked! Great job!
Plastic fantastic. This is insane, and also insanely good. Because you’re sampling upcycled packaging, there’s an organic texture and feel to everything, which really stands apart from more conventional sampled electronica. I LOVE how bold you’re being with the distortion on the drums, they sound gorgeously filthy. Industrial chic man. Excellent use of your time 👏
Love the title - i would have said recycled rubbish doesn't have the same ring and of course thats not representative of the music! sounds like a modern peer gynt! get another bucket of water!
Its fun to make sounds from found objects and come up with something like this. Really creative and a fun groove.
This is so fun
I've watched a number of Youtube videos by Andrew Huang where he takes weird noises and makes songs around them. Great job on this!
yeah man, this one need Dizzie Rascal jumpin on it. sounding grimey man
That's so inventive and effective...amazing!
man, you come up with the most inventive ways of finding music in everything. ive never heard the term upcycle before, because it is a perfect word to describe what must be done to transform the garbage of this world into something beautiful.
@anthonykapfer ya...i get high and play with garbage now, apparently. i'm THAT guy now. hey, you game to get that collab in this summer? it's gonna be epic when it happens...for me...it'll probably be like mediocre weed for you...not BAD per se...but you know there's much more talented buds out there.
what?? you’re playing plastic tubes and water bottles on this?? this is awesome. really sweet drum groove on this