
by @paul_pedersen · @crisp1

paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Doug (@crisp1) has recognized that so many little things in our lives all add to our wonder and enjoyment. I feel privileged to try find the music to represent Doug's ideas. Hopefully, I've come close.

Thank you @paul_pedersen for a really nice start to 50/90 for me. Very sweet melody and I think the chorus sounds especially cool with all the layered vocals.


The polished wood of an old guitar
Shadows on a bright white wall
Bread baking in a sunlit kitchen
A nearby bird flock calls

A honeybee buzzing round a flower
Coffee steaming in a cup
Clouds passing as the wind propels them
The morning sun comin’ up

Impressions, impressions
Impressions, impressions

Refreshing shade of a spreading tree
Whirring of a hummingbird
Waves crashing on an island coastline
Emotion in deep words

Impressions, impressions
Impressions, impressions

These precious impressions can go so fast
Hold them close
Make them last

A potter’s hands as she works the wheel
Laughter from a happy child
Scent wafting from the blooming jasmine
A mustang running wild

Impressions, impressions
Impressions, impressions


Such a wonderful range of images. Great music and delivery for peaceful reflection.
I especially like the treatment of the Chorus with the repetition of Impressions. Nice collab!
I want to hang out at this house! Wonderful tune, so evocative! Love your playing and vox! Great song!
These ARE terrific lyrics, and you know I always love your interpretations ("impressions"?) thereof. A great collaboration, guys!
Doug's words are most impressive and sanguine...given the perfect berth here by Paul...wonderful co-write...
Very well written and performed. Great job you two. :)
i have to hand it to you Paul. you have found the perfect mode for expressing Doug's wise observations of those things that make life the miracle that it is.
This song left a great impression 😀 Nice collab! I like it, especially the Chorus
The vivid images create such gorgeous impressions! Love the gentle delivery that really bring out the beauty of the images!
Oh wow, what a gorgeous arrangement! Perfectly tuned to the whimsy and delight of noticing how beautiful the mundane is. I really love the chorus. This is so lush. Great collab!
This is so cozy. I like the instrumentation a lot, and the vocal delivery is spot on. Nice collab!