People Fall Down (guitar)

by @hmstreetteam · @sheslin

Skirmish: Totally Titular! (Please ... (@robinleaf)
People Fall Down (guitar)
hmstreetteam +1

Liner Notes

#titular #totallytitular #skirmish
The skirmish and the Titular tool provided this algorithmically generated title. I wrote the lyrics for the verses and chorus during the skirmish. Lyrics for the bridge were added later for the sake of length. I am grateful to @sheslin for providing the music. The demo you hear here is my performance from July 10. I followed the music as well as my performing skills would allow. For the original, definitive music go to .


You can find a guru
But don’t hang on too tight
They might guide you today
But then you face tonight

Wisdom does not last
It cannot be your guiding light
Nothing and no one
Can tell you what is right

If you must hang on to a token
Hold it only for a moment
Keep the future open

People fall down
The snow pack melts
Mountains crumble
Stars burn out
Theories fail
The same as everything else
You might as well
Be true to yourself

You play a game of gotcha
When you try to live by rules
You can put your faith in learning
Then outlive all your schools

All these things are valuable
So use them as your tools
But nothing lasts forever
When you ride a ship of fools

If you must hang on to a token
Hold it only for a moment
Keep the future open

People fall down
The snow pack melts
Mountains crumble
Stars burn out
Theories fail
The same as everything else
You might as well
Be true to yourself

Hang on
Then let go
It sounds crazy
I know
And then it’s gone
It’s like the river
Rolls on

People fall down
The snow pack melts
Mountains crumble
Stars burn out
Theories fail
The same as everything else
You might as well
Be true to yourself


Some great lines here!
I have yet to do a skirmish--but I HAVE always enjoyed what they come up with. Very nice collaboration, you two. I DO like the guitar in the background. Lovely lyrics... ❤️
Great take on the skirmish, great message as well: Be true to yourself
Love that chorus! That’s tightly written. Good stuff!
Tons of good advice and wisdom here...well done you two!
Yes! There are some brilliant lines in this.
Although I am not sure gurus are totally useless... Mine, in a mediation centre in Wales, back in the early 70s, was a great help in opening up my mind and helping me overcome the hangups that plagued me back then. He was not Called "Sri This" or "Guru That" - he was plain old Ken Ratcliffe 😉
@sheslin Oh, wow, that would be awesome! Please proceed with music for “People Fall Down” as you see fit.
These lyrics are speaking to me and I would love to set them to music if they are still available. Great message in here and wonderful writing - amazing for a skirmish!
Like it! Great skirmishing.
A lyric with a lot of wisdom. Enjoyed reading and imagining how it would be sung.
This is nice! I like the strong form and phrasing. I like songs with clear sage advice :)
Very cool! Some really good lines throughout. If we could just dissolve our egos a bit and just realize that we’re all dumb and unprepared for a life that can’t actually be prepared for. 👈 that hanging preposition is a good example of what I mean…it’s analogous with the way I speak but it grammatically incorrect…my point is communicated but not appropriately. I’m dumb.