Crash Land

by @dasbinky

Liner Notes

I wasn't really planning on doing any writing for 50/90, but this chorus came to me in the shower and I had a free afternoon, so here we go.

This is only a minute and a half long, and that's about right. It doesn't earn a bridge.


I thinkin' globalistic
A whole wide world in front of me
Not trying to be realistic
Gonna join the bourgeoisie

Everything that can go wrong
Is starting to go my way
Visions coursing through my mind
It's gonna be a good day

I used to have my faith
And now I have cocaine

Crash Land the helicopter
We're no longer in the air
Crash Land the helicopter
Tell me who put that mountain there

I hear the best things
in life are always free
That hasn't been my experience
But I'm voting absentee

I used to have my faith
Now I only have disdain

Crash Land the helicopter
We're no longer in the air
Crash Land the helicopter
Tell me who put that mountain there

Crash Land the helicopter
We're no longer in the air
Crash Land the helicopter
Tell me who put that mountain there


I love the turns of phrase, helicopters of expectation crashing into the mountain of irony. But this is too damn catchy. I'm going to have to go listen to something else to get it out of my head.
I love a shower revelation. There’s a fun beat to this — it reminds me of several genres but is its own thing. And those extra handclaps? And laser-esque sounds? No one told me this would rock so hard. Really solid and special.
Woo! Thank you Random Song for serving up a breath of fresh air; loved the dweeb (?) synth sound that swirls around post-chorus. Take more showers!
The fun, hit-and-run absurdity of this brings to mind classic They Might Be Giants. I kind of wanted to see 'globalistic' get rhymed with 'go ballistic' lol.
Ha, this is great! Every part of it is brilliant. 😀
Those hand claps are so fun, I like the contrast with the driving beat.
This is kind of a mood. And I relate to it.
They come out when they feel like it! Nice upbeat feel! I was thinking a bit wreckless Eric! And you slipped in whole wide world! Good listen, nice energy!