N + 1

by @carleybaer

N + 1

Liner Notes

#bossa-nova #fuc

Everyone likes a little friendly competition. @metalfoot and I were tied until I posted this song just now.


N + 1
The magic number
That restores order to the universe
N + 1
Before I slumber
I have to write a quick song first

N + 1
It started silly
A competition of no consequence
N + 1
But now it really
Has started defying all common sense

So much about songwriting I adore
How many songs is enough?
The answer is always one more

N + 1
Where N’s the number
Of songs written by my Canadian friend
N + 1
Before I slumber
Hope it stays this way through February’s end

It doesn’t even matter
Even so, I’m aiming for a number
That even I don’t know

N + 1
The magic number
That lets me have bossa nova fun
It’s gone too long
I’m going under
But at least I got the number N + 1


nice to put it all out there. why are you here? n+1
Awesome melody and changes. The melody over "songs written by my Canadian friend" especially grabbed my ear. So smooth!
What a lovely melody (and vocal, but I'm not supposed to comment on that too much.) This is beautiful. And taken in the friendly slackchat confines, it's heartwarming, too. I mean, a smooth scat solo? What's the point in even trying if you're gonna pull this off?
Great meter, cool groove and awesome vocals ... well done!
Fun way to put the competition into song. Super groovy and laid back. Your vocals are great in this.
LOL. So I guess our little contest is out in the open now, eh? MATH GUY likes this song.
haha fun stuff, this is just the kinda thing you'd never make without FAWM and that's what its all about.
Always happy to hear a math pun. So you and @metalfoot are in a secret competition of who writes more songs? If these kind of songs happy you should be happy. Such a cool bossa vibe