Hit the Post

by @kc_

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Very rough first draft. Loved the idea of being so sure that you'd score and then hit the post... Rang to funny for me! LMAO... The idea is there but needs a lot of work. This puts me half way... Might be able to crank 25 more rough ideas... it's a long shot!


If life is a game
then everyone's in
All goals are the same
a great score for the win

Young and blind
Not sure of your depth
Looking to find
A good shot on the net

The night that we met
guess I passed the quiz
you thought 3 or 4 dates
Is the longest we'd live

Well those dates must be long
cause we're going strong

A life time of learning
playing catch up for most
Sworn you had scored
Didn't look all that close

Tough times and the replay
were a cold water douse
a great shot didn't score
You hit the post

Seemed like a win
But Not even close
The wedding bells peeled
The shot rang off the post

A break away deke
you're in the clear
The goalie for Life
Was set had no fear
you looked upper left
flinched went lower right
8 in inches of net clearly in sight
Skimmed by the skate, this goalie's toast
You didn't score, just hit the post


clever game play analogy oh i thought it was in and it hit the post i could hear the crowd go awwwwwwwwwwwww