






  • Portland, Oregon
[Sept 6, 2024 update: Just posted my first 😆 song for 50/90!] Lots of life changes, both recently and ongoing. Just moved to Portland, OR from Dallas, TX in the first week of June. This last February was my second FAWM and I didn't meet my personal goals for it. For 50/90 so far, July and August were quite hectic, but I got a number of partial bits that I intend to finish and post, and I'll bang out as much as I can manage before September ends.

A very experienced live vocalist, when I started a new original project a while back I found that I needed to become the primary songwriter in order to move it forward. I took on FAWM 2023 as a personal challenge to step out of my comfort zone - and, hopefully, out of some bad habits and into some new and more useful ones. I loved the experience and got a few good songs out of it. I think I'll keep coming back regardless of whether I hit the numbers or not!

With fairly diverse tastes and influences, I have two very different projects in the works. The metal one began in a very prog-influenced power metal kind of direction but keeps leaning a bit more towards doomy, gothic flavors by the day, it seems. The folky one merges my love of Irish pubs, renaissance festivals, medieval history, and fantasy fiction into something of a hybrid with a sound that draws as much from modern folk-rock as it does from more traditional sources.

I'm happy to consider collaboration of various sorts.

I'm a solid, confident singer, reasonably competent on guitar and bass, and can fake my way through keys (MIDI quantizing FTW) and program drums for recording/demo purposes.

My name is Kevin. "Tezzin" is how a friend's daughter pronounced my name when she was a toddler; it kind of stuck among a few people and I keep saying I should name a project that at some point. It seemed like a good fit for this. ;)

#singer #metal #rock #goth #folk #folkrock



Hi, Kevin
I sent you an email, entitled "Collaboration @ 50/90 by FAWM 2024.
Hi, I had noticed that you were looking for a collaborator on the random collab posting, and wondered if you would be interested in working with me? I have a number of things I'm working on. If interested, please let me know.
Thanks for the comment on 'Hey America' - As they say, a week in politics is a long time and I think it was about a week after I wrote it that someone persuaded Joe Biden that his continued running for the presidency was political suicide...
thanks for your comment on "ghost don't hide" - love me some bowie
Hi Kevin. I'm looking forward to hearing your songs. Have a great Autumn.
Thx you..it was a fun collab!