






  • Portland, Oregon
[2025 update: this will be my third FAWM. Since last February there have been lots of life changes, most notably relocating to Portland, OR from Dallas, TX. I put in a bit of time during 50/90 but fell far short of my personal goals for it. But I'm greatly looking forward to what this February has in store!]

A very experienced live vocalist, when I started a new original project a while back I found that I needed to become the primary songwriter in order to move it forward. I took on FAWM 2023 as a personal challenge to step out of my comfort zone - and, hopefully, out of some bad habits and into some new and more useful ones. I loved the experience and got a few good songs out of it. I think I'll keep coming back regardless of whether I hit the numbers or not!

With fairly diverse tastes and influences, I have two very different projects in the works. The metal one began in a very prog-influenced power metal kind of direction but keeps leaning a bit more towards doomy, gothic flavors by the day, it seems. The folky one merges my love of Irish pubs, renaissance festivals, medieval history, and fantasy fiction into something of a hybrid with a sound that draws as much from modern folk-rock as it does from more traditional sources.

I'm happy to consider collaboration of various sorts.

I'm a solid, confident singer, reasonably competent on guitar and bass, and can fake my way through keys (MIDI quantizing FTW) and program drums for recording/demo purposes.

My name is Kevin. "Tezzin" is how a friend's daughter pronounced my name when she was a toddler; it kind of stuck among a few people and I keep saying I should name a project that at some point. It seemed like a good fit for this. ;)

#singer #metal #rock #goth #folk #folk_rock



Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to collaborating with you 🎶🎵✨️
Cheers for the comment on "Crucify the Elite"! Like I said to iwilleatyou, I struggle with vocal mixes quite a lot. Would like to work on it, but FAWM's more for song crafting and composing, so time for honing production side is limited. Definitely need to try to study it more at some point, though!