Simple Folk

by @brisk

Liner Notes

I think I've figured out why I stopped being able to upload stuff and contribute much in terms of listening to others this time: a combination of excessive self-consciousness and much too much fretting about my own lyrics. So I've decided not to share the lyrics any more to see if that helps ungum the wheels. Hopefully I'll be able to do some listening to your stuff in the coming weeks...

This one was written when I was in Wales the other week, around the time I had a go at the mctown "All of It".


Yup a real pop song! Nice melody and a really easy feel! Great harmonies too it off.
A delightful little pop song. I wish I could sing in head voice like that but nobody would ever want to hear my version. Those harmonies are lovely.

And I can't recommend it as a cure for self-consciousness, but when you've had a flexible cystoscopy in a room full of interns (don't—and I repeat DO NOT Google it) it's almost impossible to retain any self-consciousness (or a sense of dignity) whatsoever...