This Title Is Nuts

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Nuts (@lyricslinger)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes



Catching dust on my shelf
Is a trophy I made of myself
All my friends say I’m say
It’s enough, it’s been fun
They don’t understand a man
Though I wish they can

Take a ride in my van
I’ll take you where I can
Don’t mind Joe, he’s a cop
He’s a nut and he took my drug
Tied him up, to the back
If he talks you don’t talk back

In the kitchen, water damage
The floor tiles spoke perfect Spanish
Wish I knew you, before you knew
What I’m up to, in the basement
Might as well not keep delaying
It’s about to go nuts


You took the theme and ran with it nicely! I like the lines 'Don’t mind Joe, he’s a cop
He’s a nut and he took my drug'
Stream of conscience and good images in this!
Works well as an off-balance story with the imagery careening from one scene to the next. Dark, but still fun.
Like dotsandlines I find this full of charming images - that one quoted is a cracker!
Nice stream of consciousness type lyrics. It will go well with the electronic backing tracks that you do.
"In the kitchen, water damage
The floor tiles spoke perfect Spanish"

I find that a rather charming bit of semi-nonsense.