Leto's Oath

by @dr_griff

Leto's Oath

Liner Notes

#dune #scifi #filk

The chord progression came first. I wrote a Dune song after FAWM that felt very Spanish-themed, and the similarity to that song's chord progression is what finally inspired the lyrics.

This is Duke Leto Atreides, hating the corner that he, Jessica, and Paul have been painted into by their new Arrakeen fief. IYKYK.


(Capo 4)

Am F G E E7
Oh, Jessica, my Jessica, what would you have me do?
Am F G Am
Oh, Jessica, my Jessica, I have to hide from you
Am F G E E7
You’ll never know the pains I take to keep you at my side
Am F G Am
We dare not wed, but share my bed, if I must take a bride

F Am G Am
If only I could find a way to keep you safe and well
F Am E E7
If only I could find a way to keep you both from hell
F Am G Am
If only I could keep you safe, traditions all be damned
F Am E E7
If only I could hold you in my hand

Oh Jessica, my Jessica, the men must think you spy
Oh Jessica, my Jessica, I hate I have to lie
To them and you, to everyone, and even to our boy
I will confess, don’t think me less, it’s just a damnéd ploy


F G Am
The storms are coming sooner than we realized
The storms are coming sooner than we know
F G Am
Stay with me and brave tradition’s yearnings
F E E7
Stay with me so you will never go

Oh Jessica, my Jessica, it will be over soon,
Oh Jessica, my Jessica, the Empire’s sorry boon
Has caused this war, and nevermore will I obey again
We’ll make it through, I’ll marry you, and curséd be his reign!


In my hand
(Am F G Am)


So far this year I've re-read all six of Frank Herbert's "Dune" novels (I do not acknowledge the Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson novels for much the same reason that I do not accept the existence of the last three Matrix movies, i.e. they *stink*) so this is very definitely my sort of thing. Interesting to consider how the fortunes of the Atreides might have played out if Leto had married Jessica; I suspect the Bene Gesserit would have made even more of an example out of him than the Harkonnens did...