X Isn't For You

by @headfirstonly Mod

X Isn't For You

Liner Notes

I have no idea where this came from, but my muse appears determined to make up for all the slacking off it did earlier in the month. Much use is made of the rather splendid new #oblivion VST synth from #heavyocity as well as NI's #playbox.

And yes, I reckon I can count Musk as being (puts on sunglasses) thoroughly X-coriated...


X is for fanboys of ludicrous rockets
and badly-made cars that explode
X is for drivers of trucks shaped like dumpsters
which bend if they carry a load
X is for incels convinced that they're alphas
not sad sacks who'll never get laid
X is for all those who push cryptocurrency
thinking that they've got it made

X is for psychos caught in an illusion
that they've become friends of the stars
X is for sufferers of the delusion
that Elon will take them to Mars
X is for China, Korea, and Russia
and other oppressive regimes
X is for Nazis and far alt-right gammons
who can't understand what 'woke' means

Join us on Mastodon! Join us on Mastodon!
Join us on Mastodon! Join us on Mastodon!

X is for scammers and hucksters and shysters
and people who love Donald Trump
X is for KKK members and wannabes
Truly, the worst-ever dump
X is the tip of the vilest of icebergs
Some good folk have stayed there, it's true;
but they're just the band on the deck of Titanic
and X, my friend, isn't for you.


Cracking set of lyric and love how they just spill out! this is a beauty
Whoa, you're crushing my ears right out of the gate.
In a good way, of course.
Love these lyrics.
Really great bridge there.
Agitated and agitating music here.
Which I guess is the point!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yes that's what it is for alright!
You put the aggressive sounds in here to good effect and your on point lyrics pair well to add to the feel of this.
Brilliant! Love the sound design here, the message, everything!
i dont know, or care to know anything about either X or Mastadonn..so for me X is the unknown and mastadon some kind of shangra la in this impossibly brilliant lyric, which plays like edgar allen poe excoriating the year 2024.
A depressingly accurate description of what Twitter has become under Musk's ownership. Great music, though. Love the bass rhythm that carries the track right from the off.
Lmao! Sadly too true. I refuse to call it that, still call it tweets and Twitter myself. The drums are hitting hard and that arpy synth is roaring. I dig it! I absolutely love the uplifting style change for the join Mastadon bit. Superb stuff here!
Pointed and pumped up music! That spot is definitely not for me, I departed the twit almost 10 years ago.
Oh yes, Twitter, I remember that. It used to be fun. I wonder if someone has taken my username yet... you've totally nailed it here. The sound is perfect. Also, Elon is welcome to take them to Mars and stay there.
Definitely left it with that impression.
Came here for the lyrics. Stayed for the music. Cool sound engineering, Chris. Really hammers in each single word of the message.

Whenever I hear the term "alpha male", I remember the article https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/ and cannot avoid a broad grin on my face. Wolf packs are families, the "alphas" nothing but mommy and daddy. The concept of dominant males is a scientific fuckup. 🤣
The ternary/syncopated flow works really well with the beat on the verses

I love the rhythm section with the percussion and the synths. Very nice combination and full of energy !
And nice break in the middle with with the Mastodon plug :) It flows really well
Nice. Good ol' xendup of Muskzx, who deserves it. Music so deep and dark, but groovy.
Didn't know about Mastodon, very innerestin'. Excellent all over.