Padlocks on the Bridge

by @berni1954

Skirmish: I don't care (@atornberg)
Padlocks on the Bridge

Liner Notes

A very late entry for the "I don't care" Skirmish
The inspiration for this was a walk we took along the seashore yesterday morning. At one point you have to cross a little bridge near a bandstand. My wife, Carmen, noticed that a few people had started clipping padlocks onto the bridge as love tokens. That got me thinking and this song is the result.

Instrument: Flight TUSL 35 D8 (Long Necked Soprano - Low G Tuning)

#fuc #ukulele


(F) Peter said "I don't care for your superstitions
I don't (Dm) want to put a padlock on that (C) bridge!"
Anne said: (F) "Look at Steve and Anthony
they're (Dm) sealing their love"
But Peter's (Bb) voice was cold as a (C) fridge:
"Our (Bb) love should be something we both can share
I (F) don't feel comfortable putting signs out there!"
Ann shrugged and accepted she (C) hadn't a prayer
And (Bb) gave up on the i(F)dea

(F) Anne, Peter, Steve and Anthony had a joint wedding
Their (Dm) friends all came to wish then good (C) luck
But (F) Ann was thinking of that ro(Dm)mantic gesture
Her (Bb) friends had made with a pad(C)lock
One (Bb) more among hundreds, what harm could there be?
It's like (F) carving your initials on an old oak tree
But she didn't like the fact they threw a(C)way the key
And she (Bb) gave up on the (F) idea

(F) Three years passed quickly and Peter and Ann
Were still in (Dm) love like that very first (C) day
Com(F)plaints to the council 'bout that (Dm)eyesore on the bridge
Saw men with (Bb) bolt cutters cut them a(C)way
(Bb) Anthony and Peter now were feeling remorse
They (F) both took lovers, a disaster of course
And before the year was out they (C) sued for divorce
As did (Bb) hundreds in the town that (F) year.

Anne asked: (Bb) "Was it coincidence or was it fate?
Was some (F) mystical power at play?"
Peter laughed and (C) gave her a kiss and said:
(Bb) "I don't care (C) either (F) way!"


Super catchy and fun! I think this will be stuck in my head for a little while. I like that phrase about putting it out there. A signifier is a thing that will necessarily go astray--and they're definitely going to cut that lock.
ha ah a fun song - yes those darn padlocks! fate pffffff
Some bridges have been near collapse from the weight of those stupid padlocks! Fun upbeat song about the end of love, with a great ending.
The story you tell takes artful twists and pays off in the end :D the joyful ukulele strumming adds to the enjoyment!
I love that they were in love and didn't end up caring about the whole point of the song. It's like a great reveal at the end that they had such angst about the padlock and then didn't care anyhow.
Wonderful storytelling with a lovely bit of superstitious magical feel, a special story of lasting love, a tale of love loss, administrative authority and power, realism, and opposites attract woven into one delightfully performed song!
a light-hearted look at superstitions and they way they affect the outcomes of events. they become realities to those who believe in them, and have no power over those who do not.