Xuxu project: Soil Consolidation

by @engebretsen

Xuxu project: Soil Consolidation

Liner Notes

#drone #experimental #ambient
OK. Time for drone. I have a project that I named Xuxu. You find earlier releases on www.tapethesound.bandcamp.com Now I am into some new material. It is obvious that 5090 get me drifted on this. Problem with drone is that the noisy bass often take to much attention from the monoton layers of sounds. I think I will try to avoid that. But it must be in there somehow. This is a technical challenge. And I like it.


Track worked now, very dark and full of things happening in the shadows, mysterious and with an air of uncertainty awaiting.
This is a fun soundscape. It makes me think I'm listening to radio transmissions from another planet. And those deep drones are gert lush!

I'm sure you know this already, but if the bass is fighting everything else, try adding a low cut on all the stuff that isn't bass; most other instruments (apart from drums) don't have much below 100 Hz or so that they really desperately need. A low cut on the white noise will definitely help, I think.