Always Shine

by @philkmills

Challenge: Response Song
Always Shine

Liner Notes

In the early 1970s, there was a Canadian group named Edward Bear that had some hits, including "Last Song". I like the song, but one line bothers me: "You'll come looking for the light, and it won't be there".

The interesting thing, to me, about using their song to trigger a response is that -- in spite of the title -- Edward Bear wrote their own follow-up to it, but from a different angle.


It’s not a searchlight; it’s not a torch
Just a lamp behind a window, shining on the porch
If you can see it, don’t be afraid
I’ve nothing more to say about the choice you made.

The songs have gone silent
But the light will always shine
For someone who once was a friend of mine.

I marked your travels, then I lost track
After 10 too-hopeful tunes about you coming back.
You’ll never settle and that’s just fine
But everybody needs a place to rest sometimes

The songs have gone silent
But the light will always shine
For someone who once was a friend of mine.

Love is a strange word to use this way
It means both more and less than what I want to say
Discarded lovers, your life’s debris
We don’t fall out of friendship quite so easily

The songs have gone silent
But the light will always shine
For someone who once was a friend of mine.

The songs have gone silent
But the light will always shine
For someone who once was a friend of mine.


that is lovely guitar and the easy paced vocals really add to make this a very fine song! a storyteller song of quality
Beautiful guitar work. Such a nice and pleasant song to listen to. Edward Bear wasn't ringing a bell so I looked the song up and I have heard this song but only a handful in my life and very long ago. It was interesting to have this old tune playing again and then to re-listen to your response song. Song my little details, really liked the call out to the 10 songs written. Nice work.
Lovely song. It has a classic contemporary folk feel. I like your deep voice. There are Stan Rogers echoes in my mind when I listen to this.
Love the fingerpicking, love the melody! The lyrics really hit hard too. Makes me think of several people I've parted ways with over the years. Inspirational work.
Wonderful song Phil. I've reminded of a number of old friends, I rarely if ever see, but they have all been told their is a safe place at my hearth if they ever need one.

I'm a little weepy...
Very pretty song. I like your guitar playing. I haven't really learned play with the fingers like that. I'm just a Strummer. It's funny cuz I'm also a drummer. But anyways I like this tune did a great job.
This makes me wonder about the subject's story. Where did this person go? Why? What are they doing now? A song that evokes questions like that has done a good job.