My Elbow's on the Monkey

by @phylo

My Elbow's on the Monkey

Liner Notes

Recently, during a burst of home repairs, I scraped up my elbow. With all the gauze and tape on it, I found it difficult to be at my desk making songs without putting my elbow on the workstation. My wife kindly gave me a "Beanie Baby" monkey to put my elbow on.
#acousticonetake #mandolin #singersongwriter


My elbow's on the monkey
It sure feels best that way
I'd rather not move it now
There's nothing more to say
Sun is shining brightly
The monkey starts to sway
Life is slow and easy
Right here on Banana Way

My elbow's on the monkey
That's the way I groove
My elbow's on the monkey
It’s the move I choose

Life's so very simple
On this jungle ride
Lazy days and laughter
A monkey by your side
Friends all gather 'round me
Curious eyes they play
They want to try this feeling
But I just laugh and say

My elbow's on the monkey
That's the way I groove
My elbow's on the monkey
It’s the move I choose

So if you ever listen
To the call of the wild
Put your elbow on the monkey
And you'll be reconciled
Put your elbow on the monkey
And you'll be reconciled
Put your elbow on the monkey
And you'll be reconciled


“On the monkey” sounds like it could be a colloquialism for something - making taking a break? Really enjoyed the guitar playing, and the overall breeziness of the tune.
Great fun. I was intrigued by the title; my ex used to talk in her sleep and would occasionally make gnomic pronouncements just like this. Who'd have thought that it was actually the secret to happiness?
I had breakfast with my brother yesterday. I arrived at the diner early, and in sliding in to my side of the booth I sat on and REALLY strained my thumb. Thought I'd dislocated or broken it, but apparently not. My brother comes in 2 minutes later, sits down and immediately starts in talking about how he'd injured his hand the day before grilling or somesuch. Is this what we have to look forward to with this ageing process?

Great song by the way!! ;-) ❤️
I suppose it's better than having a monkey on your back! Your voicing and your playing are always just right!
A fun laid back tune. I thought this was super cute: 'Life is slow and easy
Right here on Banana Way'. Lovely guitar and gentle vocals. I enjoyed the listen!
Lol! Great story and song idea! Nice strings!