
by @helenseviltwin Mod

NSFW Challenge: Short And Sweet

Liner Notes

Marked NSFW because I know some people think this is swearing, but the "bad" word is just spelt out, so dunno...

People mispell my bandname. We should have realised when discussing how to spell it in the first place. We are called Goddammit Jeremiah. Mispellings include a combination of:
God Damn It

And a band we played with recently told us that they'd accidentally put us as Goddammit Janet, because they're big rocky horror fans.

We have been billed incorrectly more times than correctly, I think ๐Ÿ˜€

Here's a song to help people remember. We workshopped it at rehearsal, but somehow only recorded 5 seconds of the intro, so I've recreated the drums and bass from that, but will try to replace with full band recording next time we're all together.

Pretty much all my songs are Short and Sweet, but I noticed this being a challenge at the side while posting, so figured I'd add that in.

Edited to add: Check out @catmisgivings response song https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/301417


GOdoubleDAdoubleMIT Jeremiah
GOdoubleDAdoubleMIT Jeremiah
That is how you spell our name
GOdoubleDAdoubleMIT Jeremiah


I think a lot of people could use a "this is my name, get it right" song. Great energy!
No doubting your bandname now...long may you run! ๐Ÿ‘Œ
Great intro song for the band. Short and sweet and right to the point with lots of energy.
i love how this feels like it starts in medias res. somehow that makes it sound like a quick cut in a film, jumping into a different scene and changing the mood up. could be a fun way to introduce yourselves on stage?

UPDATED TO ADD: here is my response song to this song
Hehe. It has to be done! I need one like this. "Edwin. I.N. Not Edward or Edmund". Not sure I can manage quite the raw punk energy that this one has though!
Heh heh heh. I am amused. ๐Ÿ˜„I am also wondering how slow I can really be since I didn't immediately recognize that you were spelling your band nome in the title. GO? Go What? OOooohhhh, I get it! :P
ALL THE ENERGY! This just fizzes along. Huge funโ€”and an important message for booking agents, of which there need to be many. When you do record the full band version it'd be nice to let that cymbal ring for as long as possible at the end, I reckon.