I Saw Her Some Years Later

by @jerrypettit

Liner Notes

It's Monday--that means it's time to BREAK SOME HEARTS!!!

I hope you enjoy the song!



Words & Music
Jerry Pettit

and the years had not been kind,
The light that used to shimmer,
in her eyes, I could not find,
We used to dance like fireflies,
beneath the moonlit sky,
But now she walks in shadows,
with a sadness in her eyes.

Oh, where did the time go,
when did our love start to fade,
Like the colors of a photograph,
like the leaves upon the glade,
We held on to our memories,
like a sweet, sweet lullaby,
But the dreams we used to share,
have vanished in the night.

Her laughter used to echo,
when you heard it you'd want more.
The girl was now lost somewhere,
within the years we'd lived before,
She wore a cloak of sorrow,
woven from the tears she cried,
And the love that once burned brightly,
now a flicker, scarce alive.

We said our last goodbyes,
beneath a cold and distant moon,
As the wind whispered softly,
its melancholy tune,
We held each other one last time,
then let the past unwind,
For the girl I knew was gone,
and the years had not been kind.

Oh, where did the time go,
when did our love start to fade,
Like the colors of a photograph,
like the leaves upon the glade,
We held on to our memories,
like a sweet, sweet lullaby,
But the dreams we used to share,
have vanished in the night.

Sometimes I hear her whisper,
in the corners of my mind,
Remembering love and laughter,
from another place and time,
But as the stars begin to fade,
and morning breaks the spell,
I realize I'm chasing shadows,
of a love I once knew well.

Oh, where did the time go,
when did our love start to fade,
Like the colors of a photograph,
like the leaves upon the glade,
We held on to our memories,
like a sweet, sweet lullaby,
But the dreams we used to share,
have vanished in the night.

© 2024, Jerry Pettit


Monday Tuesday Wednesday…………. But you are excused coz you do it so well. Glade? We don’t use that words here :-)
The song gives a good sense of the characters and the love that faded away. "The years had not been kind," but the sad truth is that the years probably haven't been kind to any of us. We just see the ravages of age better in others than ourselves.

I like the brass choir that you've incorporated into the arrangement, Jerry. I think that's a first for you. Getting adventurous!
This is very classy and smooth - a great listen!
Funny that we ended up both with a song that has 'Where did the time go' within them.
I'll wait to see if this becomes a million dollar-earning pop hit before deciding whether to sue 😀
Jerry, you can sure write a lyric! One that touches a part of us that many can identify with...plus you can create a knockout production that enhance your lines so well...
Whoa, that's a sad song and no mistake. Makes me thnk of my ex, who I last saw thirty years ago... Big strings part is the perfect choice; the way that some parts swing and some are straight on the beat builds a sense of mixed emotions nicely.
Oh wow! These lyrics are outstanding and that sad chorus! Wonderful and beautiful Jer!
Brilliant lyrics! I especially enjoyed this line - "Sometimes I hear her whisper, in the corners of my mind." Have always been a fan of the idea of reconnecting with an old love. After my divorce from my first husband, I contacted a couple guys from my past. I think mostly to reconnect with somebody who knew me when. My ex had beaten down my spirit so much, I felt worthless. I didn't hear from one guy - I found out later he'd just gotten married. The other guy wanted to pick up where we left off and I realized he was still as immature as he always was. I left the past behind and married my current husband of 28 years.
Has that classic 70s singer/songwriter feel. Really nice reflection on past loves with a great chorus.
Beautiful nostalgic song 🎵 singing and playing. I like it how the title starts your song. Warm, loving, longing atmosphere. Very visual and sincere.
Lovely sounding tune. Makes me wonder and reflect on past loves and what became of them. Enjoyed your song here!!