Come to My House

by @paul_pedersen · @cbmagic

Come to My House
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

There are songs about love and songs about heartbreak but there are very few songs about friendship. This is such a song and I thank Carl Crosby for the words that inspired the music.


Come to my house, we can sit and talk
I've got a porch swing, or we can take a walk
The sun is setting, colours in the sky
Just you and me, let the moments fly

Come to my house, share the night with me
We'll laugh and dream, just let it be
Open hearts and open doors
Come to my house, let's explore

Do you need a hand moving things around
Or some company when you're feeling down
I trust you with my space and all I hold dear
Your presence is a gift, I'm glad you're here

In the kitchen we can cook a meal
Share our stories, tell me how you feel
Laughing over memories, and making new
Come to my house. it's just me and you

Come to my house, share the night with me
We'll laugh and dream, just let it be
Open hearts and open doors
Come to my house, let's explore

Let's grab the guitar, write a song tonight
Melody and harmony will make it right
We'll blend our voices, let the music flow
Come to my house, let's create and grow

When the world gets heavy and you need a break
My door's always open, for heaven's sake
We'll watch the stars as they twinkle bright
Come to my house, stay the night

Come to my house, share the night with me
We'll laugh and dream, just let it be
Open hearts and open doors
Come to my house, let's explore

We can write a song, let the music flow
Or sit in silence, let the moments grow
The world outside can fade away
With you right here, it's a perfect day

Come to my house, share the night with me
We'll laugh and dream, just let it be
Open hearts and open doors
Come to my house, let's explore

Come to my house when the day is done
We'll count the stars, every single one
In the quiet night or morning light
Come to my house, everything's alright


I like this, came to think about Randy Newman, not the sarcasm but the style of "You've got a friend in me". It's that kind of vibe to me. Could easily fit in an animated film of sorts.
Yep, friendship is often underappreciated when it comes to song subjects...James Taylor was due to play You've Got a Friend at the DNC convention but was prevented because of speeches overrunning...I wish they had made time because it's so important to know you have someone to rely on in whatever circumstances.
I digress, lovely lyric, lovely song!
Great collaboration. Can I come there as well? Sounds fun being there!
I almost always prefer friendship songs to love songs. This is very listenable and captures the feeling well. Works for me when you mix food, music and friendship!
This is just what friendship is all about. Love the lyrics, and the upbeat happy music and vocals feel like the perfect fit. Nice collab :)
Miss friends like that. Spread across the country, living in an isolated, digital world isn’t the same. The chorus really stands out - nice vocals.
Lovely little peppy sing-a-long song to start off the week! Very nice collaboration, guys! ❤️
Lovely swing to this and beautiful sentiment. Lovely collaboration
Thank you, Paul, I like the rhythm and the song. You did a nice job with it.