I May be a Dreamer

by @paul_pedersen · @kristi

I May be a Dreamer
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

Life choices have consequences. I've had the fun of working with Kristi's lyrics before and I really liked the way this set of lyrics started a line with one word, staccato-like, and then followed up with the consequence. I hope those who stop by for a listen enjoy the result of our combined ideas.


Lie - and you get what you get
Cheat - and you'll end up in debt
Run - before you slip up and trip
Hide as your character flips

I may be a dreamer
But my head's not in the stars
I see you and it's perfectly clear
You aren't who you think you are

Go - attempt something new
Climb - into a new pair of shoes
Think - before you smirk and move on
Learn - life is more than a con

I may be a dreamer
But my head's not in the stars
I see you and it's perfectly clear
You aren't who you think you are

I don't know why I wasted my time
Thinking you may change your ways
I can't see beyond the horizon
But I control what I do today

I may be a dreamer
But my head's not in the stars
I see you and it's perfectly clear
You aren't who you think you are


Cool lyrics, and I too, like the structure. Paul created a perfect melody that is quite catchy. Nice collab!
I really like the lyric from @kristi and how @paul_pedersen has set them to such effective and affecting music...great meeting of minds!
Love the lyrics and how you feature them so differently in the verses vs. the chorus. Great collaboration--I do enjoy Kristi's lyrics! ❤️
Thanks, Kristi. When I create my half of a song, I always hope that my partner will like what I've done. I'm so happy that this hit the mark for you. Thanks for letting me know!
This is sweet! It has bounce to it that lends itself well to the: being a dreamer aspect! I enjoyed the piano and other musical choices including the vocal expression which is sincere, but knows better! Ha. Thanks again for this!
Very beautiful song 🎵 and collaboration. Kristi created gorgeous, inspired lyrics and Paul brought his fantastic musical feel with beautiful sincere vocals and playing. So wonderful to listen to. I always enjoy your collaborations. Each is very special and leaving such a great feeling while listening and after, when your song continues to play in my mind.
Love Kristi's lyrics and the treatment that Paul gave them. It's so satisfying to listen to a well-matched pair like this.
I really like the clever verse structure with the single word openers, very unique and it instantly hooks the listener. The words also have a wonderful balance of wit and bite, which is kind of mirrored in the lightness of the music paired with Paul's delivery, where you can occasionally hear something more acerbic. Not sure if that makes sense... apologies if not! There's also some very nice production touches - the little string flourish at the end of the bridge, and some of those tinkling piano lines. Great collab :)
The use of adjectives in the verse is effective. The chorus flows beautifully in contrast to the verses. Lovely melody