Closing Down Time

by @paul_pedersen · @lyricslinger

Closing Down Time
paul_pedersen +1

Liner Notes

What the heck - let's chuck everything and start a new, freer life! Somehow, that seems likes an attractive proposition, so when Simon Wright posted lyrics on that theme, I had to give it a try.


Simon's notes:
Thanks Paul, for another great song! The music and vocals complement the lyrics so well. Agree with funnypunkband that they feel made for the lyrics, which is a testimony to your skill


It's closing down time
Everything's for sale
Got to get away while
I'm hearty and hale

Special deals on everything
All life's junk must go
Gonna go out on the road
Live the life of rock'n'roll

I wanna feel the sea breeze on my cheek
Hitchhike down country roads
Spend my nights under the stars
Be young instead of old

It's closing down time
Everything's for sale
Got to get away while
I'm hearty and hale

Final deals on everything
I'm letting it all go
Pull up the chain and anchor
That weigh upon my soul

I wanna feel the sea breeze on my cheek
Hitchhike down country roads
Spend my nights under the stars
Be young instead of old

I wanna hear the music with my heart
In little country bars
Look out over rippling bays
Not hear the thunder of cars

I wanna feel the sea breeze on my cheek
Hitchhike down country roads
Spend my nights under the stars
Be young instead of old

Spend my nights under the stars
Be young instead of old


I enjoyed these lyrics when they had no music set to them. Peter has done a superb job here.
Great collaboration. I especially like the guitars in this song
Lovely, lovely collaboration, you two--wonderful lyrics and Paul's always-pleasant music and vocals! ❤️
Nice collaboration guys!
The music and melody feel made for the lyrics. Really fine collaboration. One of those “you forget it’s a FAWM song” kinda songs.