Cleaner To Aisle 6

by @headfirstonly Mod

Cleaner To Aisle 6

Liner Notes

A bit of #oddtimesignature #prog in 7/8 with #warrguitar bass and rhythm (it's a versatile beastie!) plus a lot of Ibanez RG770 doing pretty much everything else.


That's a funky good time. You definitely had me bopping around my dining room. What the heck happened on aisle 6? I almost don't want to know
I thoroughly enjoyed this complexity. Someday (someday!) I will be skilled enough to write an odd-metered song and it will work like this did. Meantime, you should add some lyrics to this thing and create the story about Aisle 6. It's almost got an "A Team" theme feel to it, but it's just a smidge darker and much more interesting.
Love the energy, the active feel, the instrumentation. Very powerful instrumental, Chris.
This is so...muscular. Makes me want to flex or something. That bass is simply delicious and the drums just hammer away like they're being played by some minor gods. Then the guitar--oh my! You are truly an alchemist of the highest order, Chris.
As others have said, love the drums. I am frequently tempted to create just a few drum variations and loop/mix them together....but you've gone for full on drummer style drumming, very natural sounding. That guitar is thick, perhaps the mess in aisle 6 is also.... 🤔 - but it was the track title that drew me in! I had to re-listen to the first minute and a half, I was counting out loud to try and figure out this 7/8 thing....
I wonder what had happened in aisle 6. Hmmmm. Yup well done in 7/8 and that’s great drive from those guitars and that bass just forces itself to be heard! Dats my type a music!
Oh that bass is fabulous!! 7/8 is so cool but also quite challenging - you totally nailed it. Excellent guitar work - and of course drums too! I really like the driving beat throughout, and it has great energy too. Oh I like what you are doing at 1:40 - with the guitar and bass kinda playing as a counterpoint to each other. Wonderful production also!
Cool edgy music! And the song title drew me in to have a listen. I wrote a lyric last year after a repeated announcement in a Tesco store that there was 'A caller at the back gate'. It sounded a bit ominous so I changed it to 'There's a crawler at the back gate' as if it was something out of a horror film
great melody and structure. I really like the drum choice here. Rather than having them be a cleaner element they are dirtied up to match the rest of the song.
Kinda dirty/funky into rocky. Got me bopping. Cool. Nice lead riff, very sustained.