A Tearful Goodbye

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: CLOSING (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

Tonight's skirmish prompt "Closing" made me think of having to say goodbye to people I love. They live in my heart and my memories. Always loved, always missed. Many of us miss our dear ones. The music can say more than the words can tell.

Thank you for listening. Please let me know if you are interested in collaborate with me. I think there is a room for the words/vocals/other instruments if you hear potential?

#skirmish #acoustic #collaborationswelcome

A Tearful Goodbye' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


Ah, I get to start off another Monday with some Nadia music--and, interestingly, it is themed similarly to the one I just posted ("Just Say Goodbye And Wish Her Well"). Lovely, lovely tune! ❤️
very classic feel to this, i listened to music a bit like this a lot when i was younger, could have been in Something like Dr Zhivago. really lovely brought back memories.
I love you playing, very emotional.
This is an outstanding melody. Great work.
The melancholy of the emotion of letting go saying good bye comes through so beautifully. Really gorgeous movement and flow that captures the poignancy of the moment.
Touching, tender, and so emotional Nadia!
Beautiful theme - I really like it in that upper register too. Has a mysterious quality which helped me to think of the sadness that goes along with saying goodbye to loved ones, especially if it's a long-term or permanent goodbye. Excellent piece.
I was hoping you would do something for this and it doesn't disappoint. Lovely melody with a touch of melancholy which fots the prompt beautifully.
Once again you take a theme and paint it before my eyes.
The melancholy in this one is tangible. I can imagine this as a farewell scene in a movie with this playing as the train pulls out of the station and the protagonist's tears start to flow.
Definitely feels like a goodbye song. It's sad and dramatic. I can just picture the conversation followed by the walking away.
I love the serious tone and the urgency. A strong, iconic melody.