we won't let you out! (man in a suitcase - beast in a cage)

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

#weird #weird #weird #noisy #spooky #horror #razorbass

Pennyfeather left me alone in the studio with a recorded track ....I put it through the mixer. Squeezed, stretched and kneaded it!
I had much fun doing that!

Please don't take it seriously and no one has to listen to it all the way through...it got a bit tiring.

It's loud and noisy so please take care about ears if using headphones!


we won't let you out!


...and another observation: @ayais - the Monkees AND Bela Lugosi? Wow. Just....wow! 😄
So yeahhh...as I was listening I thought about 60s shlock movies. Here's the thing for me: the music more times than not, upstaged the movie itself. So the chaotic, creepy, sinister (and even a bit B-52ish) kind of sound emitting from my speakers is quite effective. And because you said I didn't have to - I stuck around for the ending anyways! 💯
The Monkees meet Bela Lugosi. What could be better?
Haha, this is great! An euphonious chaos gently spreading out, sinister and cheerful vibes blending, uninhibited vocals adorning dark knotworks... The organ is wicked, the bass line, addictive. I really enjoyed my listen, from beginning to end!
The eerie outro is excellent: it sounds like it's saying: "Don't go yet, there's more madness to come."
That bass cuts through brilliantly. I love the steady beat and the swells of sound that periodically threaten to swamp our little boat of sanity. I did listen all the way and enjoyed it immensely. Actually I was fingerpicking and trying to sing a pretty melody over that. Might work, in a weird way
slow this down to slothcore bpms, and you will have the soundtrack for the next installment of the SAW franchise in the palms of your hands,
sounds like you took it to the bakers. i love the synths and the grunge. ttg warbles away like from a cave. weird chaotic and fun.
Very interesting soundscape, the sort of growly breathing has a very interesting sound to it, from animalistic to mechanical. In the first part it sounds like someone is being held captive trying to speak out to us with tape over their mouth as whatever is in the room with them does what it wants.