Whither the White Wigs of Our Spotless Youth? (You've Got Answers)

by @freshspotlessyouth


Liner Notes

#altpop #powerpop #?
It is my belief that white wigs will make a comeback soon. Look for them at a store near you: Target, Marks & Spencer, H&M, etc.

These was going to be an acoustic guitar quickie. I ended up spending hours wondering why I couldn't record a simple acoustic track that didn't sound sound soul-crushingly lousy. I ended up jettisoning the acoustic. I like the way this is grooving by the end. I will revisit the lyrics and arrangement (intro?) when a band appears from the ether. I probably shouldn't have gone for that bike ride given all the wildfire smoke. My throat is pretty raw, which has its plusses and minuses


I’ve never known why

White wigs had to go
But why?

And why not write a poem?
Why…say [these things] we all know?
Yes, why?

Is fire hot and ice cream cold?
Well that’s what I’ve been told?
You’ve got answers
That [much] I’ve been told
You’ve got answers
It’s I told you so
But you’ve got answers
It’s I told you so
But you’ve got answers
You’ve got answers
But why?

Why did white wigs have to go?
You’ve got answers
But why?


You've been busy while I've been gone! I would definitely go for a white wig. This is clever and catchy and quirky. I like the way you sing "why" and the overlapping vocals and the tinkling piano. P.S. I'll look for the Remains of the Day track, although I probably erased it.
Retired lawyer here: Don't they still wear white wigs in court in Britain? Anyway, you've got a terrific vocal on this--great job! ❤️
Fun ditty. I am with Bill on this one. And with sbs on the 60s feel. I am so bloody verbal in my songwriting so I admire folk like yourself (and FAWMer Pabrizzer) who can say so much in so few words.

I have been using wide brimmed hats for over two decades and I can't understand why such a useful object fell out of fashion so abruptly. They are perfect in rain... and in sunshine you never need sunglasses... and they look cool.

PS if you want an answer to your question... They ceased to be needed when hygiene habits changed and people kept their own hair cleaner and free of fleas and other parasitic insects. Most people who wore those wigs had shaven off their own hair to avoid infestations. They regularly washed their wigs in all kinds of nasty substances that would have irritated their scalps. So, a decent shampoo polished off the white wigs. My question would be why white was chosen? To give the dignity of age, perhaps?
you are the master of the repeating phrase. most singers would be boring if they attempted a song like this. but you succeed in making the inane statement hint at something more profound. i guess it is the why of it all. start by asking why fire is hot and ice ccrem cold, and eventually you wil be questioning everything.
As groovy as ever! So 60s in style. And “they” say that God never answers “Why?” Nicely done! Keep doing that.