Not Another Renovation​!

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Renovation (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

I can't stand renovations. Yes, I know, we all have to have them from time to time. But! The amount of dust, the smell of paint, the noise! Anyway, here is my piece, it is rough but well, it's skirmish :) Thank you for listening. I'll most probably adjust some details but I'm happy to collaborate if someone is interested. We can discuss what needs to be adjusted/changed :)

#skirmish, #instrumental

'Not Another Renovation!' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.

Update: @nancycunning is working on lyrics. Stay tuned :)


Nadia - I love this music. When I was nine we moved to a new state and spent the summer in a state of total chaos as the very old house we moved into got new plumbing, plastering, electric, roof, etc. It was pretty traumatic and this music captures that sense of dislocation and lack of control. II'd love to take a pass at a lyric for it if it's still available.
I am seeing black-and-white slapstick scenes. Chaplin annoying a group of workers. Stan & Olli accidentally tearing down walls. The Marx Brothers creating chaos in a hardware shop.

On a different note, adding vocals and other instruments, this might also work as a lead track in a Supertramp song. "The Renovation Song". 😊
I am always impressed at how quickly you latch onto an idea and come up with a musical way to express the theme. This was no exception. I could imagine this playing in a film as the actors watch in silent horror as the workmen pull down walls etc. There is also something Chaplinesque about this too, so I think the scene I describe, would actually be ultimately comic.
I can hear the hammering, and I can feel the way you shudder at the sound of it, and how you muster your patience and say "it's only for another XYZ days." I love this one! So much character in it!
Dark piano plodding along with the responsibility of chore like activities. Super fun skirmish, playful.
I like the harshness and angst in your performance. This would be cool with some lyrics and would be awesome as part of a theater piece!
This is perfect! It sounds a bit chaotic like renovations are! Love it!