The Remains of the Day

by @ttg105

Liner Notes


It's a bit cheeky to take the name of a famous novel, but what the heck.


I take the remains of the day
and place them in my suitcase
and wait for midnight
then, under moonlight (starlight)
I take out the bright
shards of sunlight
birdsong from the morning
cool afternoon breezes
long shadows of the trees
and I have a starlight (moonlight) picnic


Truthfully I thought about the movie before the novel. But isn't that normally the case in most instances? The backbeat on this is killin'. It's steady and groovin'. The entire performance is on engage mode with no off-switch (which I dig). Loving the guitar work. This is a good listen, indeed!
Never read the novel, but I still recall suffering through the movie decades ago, and much prefer this driving, swirling, epic journey to that boring, plodding "character study" (i.e., snooze fest).

(But I didn't dislike Remains of the Day nearly as much as I did the movie of Howard's End, which is on my list of all-time most hated films. Please do a song using that title too, as a palate-cleanser to help me forget that awful viewing experience through the joy of your music!)
The performance combined with the lyrics really makes me listen. Inspiring.
Hmm...I'm a little confused. Right after this song ended, the player segued into the Traveler Ends His Trek. At first I thought it was part of Remains, as it contains shards of sunlight and birdsong. Is there any chance you'd let me play around with the backing track of Remains, assuming it still exists?
Mesmerizing guitar with that steady backbeat. Love the poem of sorts. At first I didn't really pay attention to the words. Now I'm smiling at this notion of unpacking the remains of the day. I can totally picture that scene.
cheeky, possibly..but you use the word 'remains" in a far more interesting way than did Ishiguru.
should have been in the movie! i like the concept of this lyric and this is so mixed genre even for you including oldy worldy smoky club bits.
Great imaginary in the lyrics.
Love the bit darker parts of the music!
Again melodica wonderfully played!
Have a nice moonlight picnic under the stars!
“I take the remains of the day and place them in my suitcase” - brilliant!
The whispery, echoey vocals with guitar strumming the beat is awesome!