by @headfirstonly Mod


Liner Notes

So @beto asked in the forums which musical trope or cliché we hated the most. And then set us the task of writing a song about the thing we said that we loathed.

Challenge accepted!


The band just took the stage
so why all this frustration?
Because of you; you have no clue
you're deep in conversation

You're here to stand and listen
You're here to be the crowd
What makes you think we want to hear you
Saying things out loud?

If you're at a gig with me
This is what you do:
Quit your yappin'
Stick to clappin'
and STFU!

You seem to lack the wit to see
You lack consideration
Or that your volubility
is such an aberration

Cease your aimless prattle!
Still your wagging tongue!
If you shut up long enough
You might enjoy this song!


I honestly cannot recall a time at a concert and someone talked through the entire thing. I can't really imagine why anyone would. At any rate I like this style you've got working here. I think someone mentioned it's like Prog and Punk fusion. I dig it. The descending progression is an excellent choice, too! And those guitars - yowza!
I remember practicing a piece a very long time to play it on Sunday morning in church. And then dude-in-the-sanctuary talks loudly (much more loudly than usual) the whole way through it. And then someone else admonished me for giving him an unfriendly glare. It was not a good morning 😬😇😂
And need I say I am in agreement with you? Right on.
I particularly appreciated your biting-it-back, seething vocal delivery on the chorus. And the music is great too!
Good, high-energy piece, and I agree with others that the descending sequence and the distant guitar are standouts.
oh man you nailed it. i hadnt thought about this but yeah i really dislike this or when they walk off. grrrr. really good song and the music is spot on for this.
I couldn't agree more (although I never go to gigs nowadays). I like the odd time signature/drum rolls and spacey lead guitar (especially at 1:10). Then Iron Maiden shows up and quickly leaves the stage for early Genesis/Yes before the art-punk band returns. Nice!
sounds like you have invented a new genre..prog punk. those drums are fantastic. today the audiences are even worse with their telephones raised in their air .lights going on and off all over the auditorium. and still they wont shut up,
hahah this makes me think of the guys at a mutemath concert who were using shazam for every song. My wife finally leaned over to them and was like "I bet the next song is by MuteMath" They put the phone away after that lol
That descending bit in the pre-chorus is killer. Fun song and great playing! :) I just read that thread and this was a great follow-up.
Can we get this circulated to all venues to play once before the support band and then again before the main act. Nicely done. Particularly liked "If you shut up long enough/You might enjoy this song!". A lyric for the 'there to drunkenly sing the chorus of the one song they know" crowd.
Brilliant! Reminds me of a joke about the rules of concert attendance:

Jazz: clap at the end of each solo, even though the band is still playing.
Classical: hold applause until the end of the piece; don't clap between movements.
Rock: talk through the whole show about how the band used to be better.

Brillian guitars, I like the descending lines a lot!
This had me chuckling. It's a darkly rocking public service announcement. Cease your aimless prattle--a battle cry for our dissolute age! That said, I think some people just have a different philosophy in terms of what concerts are for. People don't sit in velvet chairs listening to the Sex Pistols, for instance. :)