Run and Hide (Freeze and Flight)

by @wobbiewobbit · @nancycunning

Liner Notes

Nancy and i started this with some drum loops and a little 3 syllable lines game. Soon we had the lyrics following a video call/ google docs. I added midi Bass and a sketch of Hammond, (which i would really like to hear proper playing beyond what i can do... @b3nut what d'ya say??) Nancy did a guide vocal and her part and i followed and mixed.


N: Rule the world
W: Wait and see
N: Shake it up
W: Let me be

W: Take a break
N: Seize the day
W: Have a nap
N: Fly away

N: Speed it up
W: Take it slow
W: Just relax
N: Time to go

W: That’s enough
N: More more more
N: For the win
W: Yeah, yeah, sure

W+N: It takes two to argue
W+N: It takes two to fight
W+N: It takes you always being wrong and me always trying to set you right

N: It takes me always trying to make you try to see the light
W: That’s right, you’re always nagging, good grief and good night

W: See yourself
N: Run away
W: Face the facts
N: I can’t stay

N: Get outdoors
W: Stay inside
N: Take a walk
W: Come and hide

W: Play it safe
N: Take a chance
N: Don’t sit still
W: Skip the dance

N: I don’t know
W: Nor do I
W: No one does
N: Could we try?

W+N: It takes two to argue
W+N: It takes two to fight
W+N: It takes you always being wrong and me always trying to set you right

W: It takes me always trying to make you try to see the light
N: That’s right, you’re always nagging, good grief and good night

W: I freeze
N: I like flight.

W+N: We’re trying to be alright

N: You take freeze
W: You take flight

W+N: We’re both trying to be alright

W: Run and Hide...


So much fun! <3
I absolutely love this for so many reasons! First, I love songs that are co-created in some fun collaborative process and this seems to be that. Second, I love duets. Third, I love concise pithy lines that weave together a comprehensive story with few words. And finally, it sounds great! Kudos to you both and I will need to try this approach with someone! Love it!
If only real-life arguments could be this pleasant. Fantastic collab!!!
It feels like you've got this concept album going on: all our drama, even in good relationships, how we resolve things, or how we never do. LOL. I'm enjoying following your flow.
What a cool collab and also fun way to write and record a song. You sound great together. I think the organ sounds great! The lyrics are so clever. I love the line “ good grief and good night”.
This is charming in every way: lyrics, beat, harmonies. You two project a shared sense of humor/humour in the affectionate banter that put a smile on my face. Would love more collabs like this.
PS Don’t underestimate your organ chops: I think my ear detected some #9 chords, def not novice level!
A sprinkling of feelgood fairy dust has been dutifully applied to this rather splendid duet that ensures a big old grin is guaranteed on any listener's swaying head...🤩
Love the jazzy vibe - that organ sounds so good! Bass and drum sounds are really nice too. Excellent collab - love the back and forth sort of friendly argument of the lyric. The organ interludes in-between the vocals aer really good. Well-done!
The Hammond and the bass lines are smoking hot. What a fun song. The bridge and the outro in one word: fantastic. Those "run and hides" at the end, just no words. You two pair so well on this duet, coming together so well in the choruses. Great job.
Clever idea well delivered. Love the organ! And matches to the bass so well. Cool collab.
Great idea to do this from opposites. I could absolutely go for a good nap.
Great collab you two!
Cool laid-back duet collab! Love Hammond organ sounds!
The interplay of bass and organ on this is really excellent, as is the vocal collaboration. Really chill and fun.
This is such a simple little lyric that yields a spectacular result! The bass and the Hammond are just perfect as accompaniment, but as others have said it's the interplay of voices [emphasis on play] that really make this duet shine! It sure beats the radio -- by a mile!
Was expecting a straight lyrics/music collab. Can’t explain my delight to find it’s a duet! As Bill says, it’s what the fans have been waiting for. Love those Hammond interludes, the playing is superb as it is, don’t change it! Such a cool, late night at the club vibe, really enjoyed the listen :)
This is so good!!!
To hear you both singing and argue here is really funny and also very relatable!
It reminds me of some not so good relationship situations .... :-)

Musicaly absolutely charming! Bit jazzy and very laid back!
Enjoyed this very much!
This is the most chilled, laid-back musical argument I've ever heard! The mellow Hammond just soothes everything to the point where everyone's just rolling with the way it flows. Smooth and gentle and very entertaining from start to finish.
this is the collab i have been waiting for, and it does NOT disappoint. I love the differences in your voices during the exchanges and then how they come together so nicely when you sing together. The idea of the song is clever and is played out with wit and humor throughout. it is a play of opposites all they way, and I loved it.