Two For The Road

by @jamkar

Two For The Road

Liner Notes

Keyscapes grand piano, N-I Kontakt synth.




A number of folks this season, I'm noticing, are doing these beautiful piano pieces. I generally suggest to them that they put ALL of them together into a Spotify Playlist--because a lot of folks like this kind of thing in the background when they're studying, working, whatever. You should give this some thought--because this is GREAT!! ❤️
Very nice title, music and instrumentation, Mike.
Sounds so good. Nice splashes of emotion. Like a long walk on a temperate evening
This is very very nice!
the piano is lovely, like rolling hills, but i am distracted by the synth,
I like the title; it's what made me click in. A chord falling just slightly off the beat is an intriguing sound. It's one of the elements that keeps this from feeling formulaic. The wandering piano does sound like it's heading out on the road but wondering about that decision for a moment.
The rolling riff is kinda hypnotic. Quite relaxing. The synth adds some really nice texture.
thats a grand grand. i love that first change where synths also.pop in. has a big wordly feel. nice piece