a day without meaning

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

The music starts harmlessly before building up to a grand finale!
Pennyfeather once again played with every instrument that was within reach - the result was sparkling, good-mood music!

The lyrics don't really make sense...basically I'm singing about a day where nothing really goes well. Maybe you know that?

#sparkeling #german #nonsense #chaosguitar #melodica


Nichts getan!

Heut ist einfach alles blöd! Nichts geht voran!
Heut habe ich den ganzen Tag nichts getan!
Versucht was zu schreiben - das lass ich heut lieber bleiben!
Versucht, was zu lesen - wäre eigentlich ne gute Idee gewesen aber
Heut ist einfach alles blöd!
Nichts geht voran!
Heut hab ich den ganzen Tag nichts getan!

Ein Tag für die Tonne trotz Wärme und Sonne
Ein Tag ohne Sinn und ich mittendrinn!
Was soll ich nur machen außer lauter blöden Sachen?!
Rumliegen und in die Wolken schauen?
Beim Bass spielen habe ich mich laufend vertan!
Hoffentlich ist dieses Heute bald aus!
Ich will hier raus!
Ich will hier raus!

Heut ist einfach alles blöd!
Nichts geht voran!
Heut ist einfach alles blöd!

Did nothing!

Everything is just stupid these days! Nothing is progressing!
I didn't do anything all day today!
Try to write something - I'll leave that alone today!
Tried to read something - it would actually have been a good idea but
Everything is just stupid these days!
Nothing is progressing!
I didn't do anything all day today!

A day for the barrel despite the warmth and sun
A day without meaning and me in the middle of it!
What am I supposed to do except do a lot of stupid things?!
Lay around and look at the clouds?
I kept making mistakes when playing bass!
Hopefully this day will be over soon!
I want to get out of here!
I want to get out of here!

Everything is just stupid these days!
Nothing is progressing!
Everything is just stupid these days!


I like how the comfortable feel of the music counteracts the message that Heute ist alles blöd. Feels like a good reminder that each day is what we make of it. And that music helps. So glad you two found each other.
This is a shot of pure joy. Makes me want to dance. The lyric had me smiling all the way. This is one of my favs from this 5090 for sure. Let it play all day! Love the way it starts hot and keeps picking up steam
I'm with @sbs - the German sounds so good! And with the other comments. Velvet Head Cale plusplus++ wonderfulness, with the @ttg105 magic melodica banging pans and heads with the chaos guitar, all propped up with a solid (almost said squalid, but no, no) rhythm section.
Had the Velvet Underground relocated to Germany rather than Nico relocated to New York, this would have been their hit song. Like Lou Reed, Paul uses his electric guitar as a drum. Unlike Lou, he can do a lot of other things. And Mahtowin has the Nico appeal, but is more appealing as a singer. She draws you into the music whereas Nico often pushes you away. She is warm where Nico is cold. And Paul has the combined musical ability and interests of the whole Velvet Underground. The lengthy melodica solo that end s the piece brings out the John Cale in him.
The vocals are a treat, no matter what "words" are sung. I think I might have mentioned that before - lol! I feel like singing along and the German that I do not understand is even better. The English translation is best ignored. "Stupid sounds stupid." Stupid in German sounds brilliant! The stereo ping pong effect is so cool! The music is the perfect accompaniment - great collab!
ttg clearly has a long reach. oh this is different a bit talking heads alternative pop . i like the backing vox as well plenty of stupid days. ttg is crescendoing now.