Lydian Lullaby

by @gmcgath

Lydian Lullaby

Liner Notes

I've been playing with the Lydian mode, and the alternation of F and G chords makes a nice basis for a lullaby. Nothing more than that. If you fall asleep listening to it ... It worked!
#lullaby #improvisation #instrumental #mode


I was feeling so sleepy I started improvising over the end to stay awake. "Sleep, baby, SLEEEEP - your father, he watches: SHEEEEP"
Not asleep, but much more relaxed than a few minutes ago. 😀 Very pretty.
So lovely, with a profoundly luminous haze permeating the entire track. It's entrancing, and it puts me in a magical, childlike Christmastime mood. Just gorgeous and radiant.
Lydian mode has such a distinctive flavour to it; it's long been a favourite of mine and it's perfectly suited for lullabies, as you prove to great effect here. Those bells are gorgeous!