Drew Sent Me

by @headfirstonly Mod

Drew Sent Me

Liner Notes

HFO at 212bpm in 5/4?
It must be the #hitem challenge!

Many years ago Matmos played the Lantern in Bristol. I got there early and was sitting in the front row while they soundchecked. One of the synths emitted a burst of white noise so loud I jumped clean out of my chair. Drew apologised.

But later, during the concert, he started unspooling a reel of gaffa tape to he could pluck it and sample the resulting sound. And then walked to the front of the stage, grinned at me, handed me the other end of the tape and motioned for me to back up and pay out the rest of the reel. I ended up at the rear of the hall with 20 metres of tape spooled out, much to the amusement of the rest of the audience. So yeah. I've performed with Matmos. Kinda.


Great story and a groovy song... some tasty guitar riffery... very prog. Nice.
It's like a series of 5/4 vignettes that all fit together. Very cool how your melodic phrasing goes over the bar lines and avoids the Dave Brubeck syndrome that so much 5/4 falls prey to. Nice mix and plenty of crunch. Great job.
Excellent mix, and rhythm. I like all the guitar noises. HFO makes this seem like something he does regularly.
What an awesome story, and what an awesome song! Those guitars are epic, I love how the song keeps building. Really nice take on the challenge, Chris!
Congratulations! I've made a few false starts at #hitem and have set it aside, at least for now. There's good use of distortion in there and -- most mysterious to me -- a distinctly effective rhythm. 😀
Really liking that guitar tone/sound and the mix of synth/beats and the guitar, makes for quite a different and modern sound. It doesn't sound like anything else I've heard, which has to be a good thing, lots of changes of pace and direction too.
That was a fun take on the latest musical sensation!
I like the anecdote AND the song. This is so cool. I want to make one but can't figure out how to make GarageBand do 5/4. I like what's happening around 30 seconds and 45 seconds in, then that switch in energy to something building. You keep it changing, keep it interesting. I don't have the right vocab, but the sweeping rolls of drum beats are enticing. I had no trouble hanging out while this song did its thing. Those ascending chords make me feel like I'm climbing a stepped pyramid. And maybe there's some kind of fighter jet waiting for me up there. At the very least, sweeping 360 views of the surrounding desert and my enemies in their Mad Max cars.
Interesting story! I like the distorted drums and the glitchiness of the whole thing - the 80s bippity-bip of the synth and then the 70s-style guitar solos. Like Wishbone Ash jamming with a techno outfit!
Ha! Great story! I feel the unreeling like I'm there.