It's Hard To Write A Song When You're In Pain

by @headfirstonly Mod

It's Hard To Write A Song When You're In Pain

Liner Notes

I'm not finding things easy this year.
So it goes.


Some songs recount the search
for deeper meaning
Right now my lyrics favour
endless screaming

Tempted to resort to alcohol
But mostly thanking God for paracetamol

When the pain has passed
I'll chart the way I felt it wax and wane
Where the pain has been
there will be nothing; only I will remain
One day perhaps I'll tell
of the way this illness makes a man insane
But for now I hold my tongue
For it's hard to write a song when you're in pain

It hurts the least when I
curl into a ball
In fact, I'd rather
never move at all

And if you think
this song is an exaggeration
Just hope you're never
in this situation...


I clicked because I thought this might be a parody on "It's hard to light a fire in the rain" (I think that's the name) but even if it wasn't intended for that, it's descriptive and expressive. Ouch. (Loved the wet sound effects just beyond 2 minutes in - very cool.) The downward moving chord progression sounds grim, as does your delivery! I'm sorry for whatever inspired it...
Alcohol v paracetamol hmmm. Pretty stark song! That back synth and drum are almost hypnotic.
I love the lyric delivery that captures the feelings of chronic unrelenting pain. Great hook. Cool rhythmic bits that create a sense of the relentlessness of the pain.
Alcohol and paracetamol, usually best avoided together, but here they go together perfectly! Hope the pain relents. Overall the sound really does match your mood, kind of languid and measured, love that guitar sound around the three and a half minute mark. The description sounds like a friend of mine describes CRPS, so I hope it isn't that.....
One of the only songs I've ever heard making a reference to "paracetamol". I had to look that up. We're talking about "acetaminophen", right? Blimey, you Brits talk funny over there...

Great song! acetaminophen
Beautiful chromatic drop steps in the chorus. That percussion has a original palette -- the gated reverb flecks and the shakers are my favourites amongst them.
Hope the grimness passes 🙏
Really like the melodic rhythm in the “When the pain has passed” section.

This pain sounds quite painful!
i like the way your phrasing fits into the rhythmic patterns, and how the rhythms keep changing throughout the song. the lyrics are brilliant and the instrumental passages suggest the pain you are singing about. and the rhtyhms right before the end remind me of the pounding hammer in the anacin commercials.